Old shoes (aka Holes and Leather)....
...New shoes (the "No way am I breaking in a new pair of BOOTS at work during Christmas"-shoes)...
I'm getting the hang of this picture-thing - though I think it's time I started
printing out all the stuff I've taken pictures of with my digital and my mobile..
There's so much that I think is worth a picture that the images are starting to pile up
in my phone and computer. I might print the picture of my old shoes out postersize..
So I've quit my job finally (I've been saying I would for about the same time I've been working
there) which makes me sad because my work is fun and my colleagues are the best and
if it weren't for the she-demon who calls herself my boss, I would never leave.
It was a very difficult decision to make. For those who don't know my stories about my boss,
well, I'll tell you this: when my former coworker went to a jobinterview in another bookstore
and they asked her why she left her old job (us), she mentioned my boss' name and was immediately
told she needn't say more, one of their employees has worked for my boss and is still traumatized
by the yelling, the namecalling, the mindgames and basic terrorism.
Hence me leaving. I don't quit something easily and believe in sticking things out and working hard,
but there's nothing in the world that justifies my boss' behaviour or me putting up with it.
Anyway. It's been a few weeks since I started on my old friend the anti-depressant
again and I'm doing better than I was, which is really good. I still feel in hindsight like I should've
recognised the signs earlier and not let it come this far (as in me doing the meds again) but
oh well, it's always easier to judge things in hindsight..
At the moment I'm just letting the waves lead me along and taking it easy.
We're busy cleaning the appartment and doing Christmas shopping and trying to figure out what to make for Christmas dinner.
The 'subtitling for beginners'-course at my school started 3 weeks ago and I'm enjoying that immensely.
Here's a little example of subtitling humor.
My sister is in Norway again, it won't be long before she moves there permanently. It'll be weird
not having her a half hour away. We're really close and I'm missing her already.. Actually, I don't really know what to say about that yet..
I just noticed the SG-member formerly known as Tarsier mentioned me in his blog and I'd like to hereby
return the favour; his blog, his kindness and his warm messages always bring a smile to my face; I can;t be
easy to put up with because I rarely post anything anymore and I often seem unfriendly so I'd like to thank
him for his friendship and patience :-). He's an awesome guy. Thanks.
Anyhoodle, I think I'm done saying all the things I've not quite managed to say, so I'm gonna go
watch this interview with Glen Hansard and then drag the boy into the shower. If I don't speak to you
again before that time, happy Christmas.
ps Who can help me get a copy of Once More With Footnotes by Terry Pratchett ?!?!
...New shoes (the "No way am I breaking in a new pair of BOOTS at work during Christmas"-shoes)...
I'm getting the hang of this picture-thing - though I think it's time I started
printing out all the stuff I've taken pictures of with my digital and my mobile..
There's so much that I think is worth a picture that the images are starting to pile up
in my phone and computer. I might print the picture of my old shoes out postersize..
So I've quit my job finally (I've been saying I would for about the same time I've been working
there) which makes me sad because my work is fun and my colleagues are the best and
if it weren't for the she-demon who calls herself my boss, I would never leave.
It was a very difficult decision to make. For those who don't know my stories about my boss,
well, I'll tell you this: when my former coworker went to a jobinterview in another bookstore
and they asked her why she left her old job (us), she mentioned my boss' name and was immediately
told she needn't say more, one of their employees has worked for my boss and is still traumatized
by the yelling, the namecalling, the mindgames and basic terrorism.
Hence me leaving. I don't quit something easily and believe in sticking things out and working hard,
but there's nothing in the world that justifies my boss' behaviour or me putting up with it.
Anyway. It's been a few weeks since I started on my old friend the anti-depressant
again and I'm doing better than I was, which is really good. I still feel in hindsight like I should've
recognised the signs earlier and not let it come this far (as in me doing the meds again) but
oh well, it's always easier to judge things in hindsight..
At the moment I'm just letting the waves lead me along and taking it easy.
We're busy cleaning the appartment and doing Christmas shopping and trying to figure out what to make for Christmas dinner.
The 'subtitling for beginners'-course at my school started 3 weeks ago and I'm enjoying that immensely.
Here's a little example of subtitling humor.
My sister is in Norway again, it won't be long before she moves there permanently. It'll be weird
not having her a half hour away. We're really close and I'm missing her already.. Actually, I don't really know what to say about that yet..
I just noticed the SG-member formerly known as Tarsier mentioned me in his blog and I'd like to hereby
return the favour; his blog, his kindness and his warm messages always bring a smile to my face; I can;t be
easy to put up with because I rarely post anything anymore and I often seem unfriendly so I'd like to thank
him for his friendship and patience :-). He's an awesome guy. Thanks.
Anyhoodle, I think I'm done saying all the things I've not quite managed to say, so I'm gonna go
watch this interview with Glen Hansard and then drag the boy into the shower. If I don't speak to you
again before that time, happy Christmas.
ps Who can help me get a copy of Once More With Footnotes by Terry Pratchett ?!?!
Le'me start of with saying you didn't need to return the favor.
The book you're looking for can be obtained through the UK version of Amazon. Dunno if that helps. I could also ask my sis (who works at a bookstore) if they have it / can order it and how much that costs. Just le'me know....
Wat shit hey van je baan!! Ik weet zelf maar al te goed hoe een bazin de hele werksfeer kan verpesten, hoe mensen gekleineerd kunnen worden en zelfs weggepest. Mijn bazin klinkt nog niet zo erg als de jouwe, maar het hadden zussen kunnen zijn, ghahaha. Ook ik speel met het idee om op korte termijn weg te gaan, terwijl ik het eigenlijk super leuk werk vind en een super team heb verder. Mja. *zucht*
Boh, je schoenen zijn super cute!! Emily.
Trouwens.. shit dat je aan de meds bent. I've known too many people that needed to too.. again.. Dus kweet dat je het zelf waarschijnlijk nog het rotst vindt. Mja, komt wel goed hoor! Gewoon even klein tegenvallertje, meid.
Anywho, kweenie of je dit tussendoor nog leest maar alsnog hele fijne kerstdagen, succes met het diner ghehe, en alvast een hele fijne jaarwisseling!!