And I still love this man -

the pic from my previous entry was from the Frames-concert me and the boy went to last month
at the Melkweg, it was pretty awesome. Great energy, good crowd and lots of great songs.
They played my alltime fav. Frames-song Fitzcarraldo to boot!
And since it's been a while since I've updated my blog, here's a couple more pictures.
First, here's the 'renovated' tattoo on my arm, the brown will eventually turn black

and the stars I had redone cuz they were faded

I've been thinking about getting a coverup for my stickman tattoo for years and I think i'm starting
to form an actual design but i'll get back to you on that later..
as for other stuff, this is the lovely new cat my boyfriend got me for 'Sinterklaas'

she's the sweetest stuff cat I have ever seen.
And this... well, check it out yourselves. I sleep with gorgeous women now :-) (there's one on the other side too)

Since I'm no good at talking about myself at the moment, this is it. enjoy. see ya later.

the pic from my previous entry was from the Frames-concert me and the boy went to last month
at the Melkweg, it was pretty awesome. Great energy, good crowd and lots of great songs.
They played my alltime fav. Frames-song Fitzcarraldo to boot!
And since it's been a while since I've updated my blog, here's a couple more pictures.
First, here's the 'renovated' tattoo on my arm, the brown will eventually turn black

and the stars I had redone cuz they were faded

I've been thinking about getting a coverup for my stickman tattoo for years and I think i'm starting
to form an actual design but i'll get back to you on that later..
as for other stuff, this is the lovely new cat my boyfriend got me for 'Sinterklaas'

she's the sweetest stuff cat I have ever seen.
And this... well, check it out yourselves. I sleep with gorgeous women now :-) (there's one on the other side too)

Since I'm no good at talking about myself at the moment, this is it. enjoy. see ya later.
Wat shit dat je je nog steeds niet helemaal lekker voelt hey, tis dan wel "die" tijd van het jaar, maar toch..
Was trouwens even je tabblaadjes aant checken (handig he, alweer zo'n nieuwe layout op de site) en zag dat je email/msn daar ook staat.. mijne is ook gewoon zichtbaar, dus mocht je een keertje zin hebben om te kletsen dan voeg je me maar toe. Anders houden we het gewoon hiero.
Al kerst inkopen gedaan trouwens?? Ik moet echt super veel werken maar heb gelukkig aanstaande zondag vrij, tis dan wel koopzondag dus ik ga dan maar eens de stad in.. de meute trotseren.. *zucht*
En over 23 dagen zit ik eindelijk int vliegtuig naar Engeland!! *doet vreugdedansje*
Zo, kheb wel weer genoeg gewauweld geloof ik, ghaha, kga zo maar eens Medium kijken denk ik. Fijn weekend alvast jij en leuk weer even iets van je te horen & zien!!!!