I've been busy. and that makes me grumpy, so I've got nothin to say.
I've barely started Christmas shopping so we are gonna shop until we drop tomorrow....
wish me luck, cause the mood I'm in after this past week will make me likely to kill somebody haha
I've barely started Christmas shopping so we are gonna shop until we drop tomorrow....
wish me luck, cause the mood I'm in after this past week will make me likely to kill somebody haha
i've been feeling kinda moody too. we are going to make our final shopping spree on Weds. (kids, parents) this year Smash and i are going small for each other. we're going to stuff each others stockings with IOU's.

i cant believe xmas is just like a week away, im pretty much done except for a few things i need to get my friends! i am looking forward to having 4 days off work for xmas weekend though!