Happy Turkey Day everyone
I'm baking today, pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread are the best things about Thanksgiving. that and the stuffing. mmmmmmmm!
and then cleaning
and then some more cleaning and baking tomorrow
gonna try and make it out to rent some dvds for the weekend. Any good suggestions?
I'll probably get the Davinci Code, if I can.
movies we've watched recently
Mallrats (always awesome)
Smoke (eh. it was ok, not what I expected and certainly not what I would call a comedy)
13th Warrior (always awesome)
The Break-Up (not bad, funny in parts, I'd have liked it better if I wasn't pms'n)
The Cave (mediocre B movie)
Tears of the Sun (everyone should see that one)
the actor Cole Hauser was in the last 3 movies listed there.... so we were like "hey, it's that guy again" and after looking at his imdb profile I realize that he's been in alot of movies that we've watched.
man, Michael Richards really did it... spews racial slurs during stand-up act I liked "Kramer" too. watch the video clip, he's was out of control.

I'm baking today, pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread are the best things about Thanksgiving. that and the stuffing. mmmmmmmm!
and then cleaning
and then some more cleaning and baking tomorrow
gonna try and make it out to rent some dvds for the weekend. Any good suggestions?
I'll probably get the Davinci Code, if I can.
movies we've watched recently
Mallrats (always awesome)
Smoke (eh. it was ok, not what I expected and certainly not what I would call a comedy)
13th Warrior (always awesome)
The Break-Up (not bad, funny in parts, I'd have liked it better if I wasn't pms'n)
The Cave (mediocre B movie)
Tears of the Sun (everyone should see that one)
the actor Cole Hauser was in the last 3 movies listed there.... so we were like "hey, it's that guy again" and after looking at his imdb profile I realize that he's been in alot of movies that we've watched.
man, Michael Richards really did it... spews racial slurs during stand-up act I liked "Kramer" too. watch the video clip, he's was out of control.
You have a garden, right? Did you (have time to) grow the pumpkin yourself?