i had to watch a hugeeeeee woman take it up the butt and stuff to see the Suicide Girls on HBO. ahhhh. It was worth it though. Hottness.
This weekend has been kind of uneventful but nice. Sarah has been over all weekend. Friday we got some special cookies... a little more special then we thought since we are thinking they didn't only have pot in them but acid too. It was a good time. Last night I cut my bangs, it looks pretty cute. I don't know if i really like it yet but eh, i'll have pictures soon. I also got a new digicam yesterday. woo
This weekend has been kind of uneventful but nice. Sarah has been over all weekend. Friday we got some special cookies... a little more special then we thought since we are thinking they didn't only have pot in them but acid too. It was a good time. Last night I cut my bangs, it looks pretty cute. I don't know if i really like it yet but eh, i'll have pictures soon. I also got a new digicam yesterday. woo
I went tot he show in Boston tonight....
it was fun.... a guy thought I was a cute girl....
only... I'm a boy.. .
He was cool though, we sat and talked, and I met a nice girl named Kat...
and we talked she was gonna dance with me only not drunk enough... but I on the other I'm sure was drunk enough for the both of us....
she gave me a life saver on my way out it tased super good.
I had to drive forever to get home...
I think now I will go to sleep.
Night night.