Still hanging in there. Progress is being made- I'm one day a week closer to being off the graveyard shift (which I have come to hate) Unfortunately, pressure is ratcheting up on second shift where we are chronically understaffed and overworked on some of the busiest days of the week. Ugh. On the upside, when I work 2nd shift, I can come home, take a nap, and make dinner for when my fiance gets home. We get to spend much more time together on a day-to-day basis, which I love.
My grandpa has very nearly made a full recovery. He and Grandma have agreed that moving into an assisted living apartment would be ideal for them right now. With Grandpa's heart problems and Grandma's significant mobility problems after her stroke, caring for a large home in the middle of the country with a significant amount of surrounding property is just not going to be possibility. The property is also isolated and can be nearly impossible to access at times in the winter. When Grandpa had his heart attack, the ambulance had to come in behind a snow plow, and every second counts when someone is having a heart attack or stroke. It's going to be tough for them to let go of what has been their home for 40 years, but it is a necessary move. We are very lucky to still have these warm, lovely people with us.
I found my wedding dress in February, it's a simple chiffon grecian style dress with beaded detailed band just under the bust. The one I tried on at the bridal shop was the wrong color, so I ordered one in ivory, and it should be It was more money than I've ever spent on a garment before in my life- but my Mom said the price wasn't terribly unusual for a wedding dress, and ideally you only get married once, right? It's not a big fancy ceremony or a big fancy reception, so I suppose a nice dress isn't an all-bad thing.
My 27th birthday was also in February. I had fun- it was pretty low-key. Dinner out with my Mom's family and lasagna over at my Dad's place with his side of the fam. My brother turned 18 this month. Legally an adult. I figure it's only a matter of time before he gets kicked out of my parents' places the way he's going...
Love the kid to death, but he's been pulling a lot of really stupid stunts for a very long time.
My grandpa has very nearly made a full recovery. He and Grandma have agreed that moving into an assisted living apartment would be ideal for them right now. With Grandpa's heart problems and Grandma's significant mobility problems after her stroke, caring for a large home in the middle of the country with a significant amount of surrounding property is just not going to be possibility. The property is also isolated and can be nearly impossible to access at times in the winter. When Grandpa had his heart attack, the ambulance had to come in behind a snow plow, and every second counts when someone is having a heart attack or stroke. It's going to be tough for them to let go of what has been their home for 40 years, but it is a necessary move. We are very lucky to still have these warm, lovely people with us.
I found my wedding dress in February, it's a simple chiffon grecian style dress with beaded detailed band just under the bust. The one I tried on at the bridal shop was the wrong color, so I ordered one in ivory, and it should be It was more money than I've ever spent on a garment before in my life- but my Mom said the price wasn't terribly unusual for a wedding dress, and ideally you only get married once, right? It's not a big fancy ceremony or a big fancy reception, so I suppose a nice dress isn't an all-bad thing.
My 27th birthday was also in February. I had fun- it was pretty low-key. Dinner out with my Mom's family and lasagna over at my Dad's place with his side of the fam. My brother turned 18 this month. Legally an adult. I figure it's only a matter of time before he gets kicked out of my parents' places the way he's going...

You should post a picture of your dress. And yeah, they cost a fortune. For something that you'll wear once. Meanwhile guys get to rent their tuxedo, so they spend next to nothing.
Sorry your brother continues to act up. He seemed like such a nice guy when I met him.