It's been quite a while since I posted. Work is still much the same. I had my three year anniversary working there in July. Got me the immersion blender

I was off the eight 10 hr day stretches for all of a month, and it was truly fantastic. I actually had energy on my days off, I could spend time with my family on a weekly instead of bi-weekly basis, and i worked one second shift a week, which meant that one day a week, I got home a few hours before my man, and we could spend time after work together. Y'know- when we were both actually awake.

That didn't last long, though. We are done with the white glove inspection and inventory, I will have to talk to my boss about getting off this crazy, exhausting schedule... for the fourth time.
Things are going well with the man and I. We have been living together for over a year and will celebrate our two-year anniversary as a couple at the end of this month. We had a bit of a scare, though. There was a 79-person layoff at the factory where he works. He had enough seniority to survive the cut, and probably another one besides, but it was enough to convince us that we needed an emergency fund. Enough to pay the bills and support us for about six months. In case one of us gets sick, or injured, or in case of more layoffs. We drew up a budget, cut unnecesary spending (combining cell phone plans and cutting cable), and started shopping more sales and buying in bulk. Hopefully in a year or two, that emergency fund will be sufficient, and getting larger.
We also officially began a new journey in our relationship. It is a step that requires deep trust and communication. We had been discussing having an open relationship for quite a few months now, and we decided to do it. I have felt for a long time that a certain part of my sexuality was unexplored- mostly due to my conservative upbringing. I have long suspected that I may be attracted to women as well as men, and wanted to be able to explore that part of me. He felt the desire for more experience, only having one lover previous to me, and that only lasting a very short time. So, we discussed our feelings, came up with a set of rules over time, and began looking for a third party with whom to have a sexual relationship. Details are spoilered below...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
My boyfriend contacted a girl online, she was going to school at a nerarby college. She expressed her interest, and they began texting each other. He came to me and asked me if I would be interested in a threesome with this girl. I wanted to meet her first, get to know her, and if no red flags went up for either of us, I was willing to try a threesome. I didn't have any way to predict how I would react to seeing him kissing another girl, touching her, having sex with her, until I was actually in the situation. So I reserved the right to call things to a halt if it became too much for me. He told me he was fine with that, and she agreed to that as well. With that, we set up a dinner date with her.
We went to a local restaurant, she met us there. She was obviously very nervous, and so was my man, so he immediately did what he usually does when he is uncomfortable and clammed up. So it was up to me to make conversation and try and set her at ease. It was a little shallow, and I admit it, but I felt a certain relief when I saw her for the first time. She was tall, nearly six feet, with glasses. She was a bit plain, and bigger than me. Yes, when I knew for a fact that I was thinner and better looking than her, I suddenly felt a lot less threatened by her. She seemed like a nice girl, and had a similar sense of humor to my own. Eventually he relaxed a bit and joined in the conversation, mostly because I was teasing him. We got along well, felt comfortable with her, so we invited her home.
He had, of course, forgotten to get protection until the last minute. So, just in case, we sent him out to get the supplies while she and I sat on the couch and talked. After he came back, I gave them the ok to make out a bit on the couch while I watched and tried to guage my reaction. When I saw him kiss her, there was no crushing weight on my chest. There was no feelings of jealousy or betrayal. My heart was beating a little faster, but I knew he loved me. At the end of the night, he would crawl into my arms and fall asleep in our bed. I wasn't freaked out by it. They kissed and caressed each other for a while, and then I suggested we move into the bedroom. He laid down in the middle of the bed, the two of us girls lay on each side of him. He was facing her, and I snuggled up to his back. They continued to make out, he took pains to pause regularly to turn and kiss me. Eventually, we decided to start to dispense with clothes, so when she took off her shirt, I took mine off as well so she wouldn't feel akward stripping down when my man and I were both fully clothed. We dispensed with our bras as well, and he proceeded to caress her breasts, then suck her nipples. He turned his attention back to me, and caressed my breasts as well.
The two of us girls then dispensed with our remaining clothing, and since he was lagging behind in the nakedness department, I proceeded to strip his clothes off as well. He asked me what next, and I looked at her questioningly and suggested perhaps oral sex. She agreed, and he settled in between her legs to eat her out. I had already asked her if it was alright if I touched her as well, and she said it was fine, so I lay down beside her, and stroked her hair and her shoulders as he pleasured her. Then I moved on to caressing her breasts, and leaned down to kiss her- the first time I had ever kissed another woman. She said later she was a little suprised, but she responded, and we proceeded to kiss and caress each other while my guy continued his work between her legs. Eventually, her hand drifted down to my thighs, I opened for her, and she began fingering me. At one point I glanced over to see how my guy was doing, and was amused to discover that he had completely lost his concentration, and was staring, slack-jawed, at us as we were having fun with each other. Eventually, he decided to treat me to the same attention, and I discovered the intense pleasure of having a man between my legs eating me out while a woman kissed me, caressed my breasts, and sucked my nipples. After a orgasm that was not too long in the making, I grinned at her and remarked that experience really was a lot of fun. She grinned back and wholeheartedly agreed.
At about this point we were interrupted for a time as she had to leave for a little bit. My man and I lay there in bed and talked about what had already happened. She came back, and we got back down to business... only with me crawling between her legs to try my hand at giving oral to a woman for the first time, and him positioned at her side to kiss her and otherwise pleasure her. Having a woman's instinctual knowledge of the hot spots, I immediately homed in on those, and after figuring out how to get an adequate supply of oxygen while doing all this, I settled in. At one point, my man asked her if I was better at oral than he was. She laughed and said, "Well, actually, yes." I raised my head, grinned at him, and said, "It's a girl thing." I got her close, she tensed up and trembled with impending orgasm, but I couldn't quite tip her over the edge. I eventually had to call it quits due to a crick in my neck, and told her I would have to practice some more to give him an orgasm.
They kind of looked to me as to what we would do next, and I suggested that the two of them have sex. She agreed, and he rolled on protection, moved over her, and proceeded to slowly and gently thrust into her. I lay right beside them and stroked her hair as he moved inside her. As it went on, I wiped the sweat from his brow, and watched as she moaned in pleasure. It took a while, but eventually, she tensed up, then gasped and trembled with orgasm. He hadn't climaxed and was still very hard, so he stripped off the condom, and mounted me. He told me later that he had never felt me so wet. We made love a bit more vigorously, and both orgasmed fairly quickly. We all lay there in bed for a time afterward, naked, basking in the afterglow, and talking. Eventually, she got dressed, and headed home. Soon thereafter, she texted my boyfriend, asking hopefully if we could do that again, soon. She also informed him that he should have warned her that I was so hot. I was flattered that she thought so. My man and I spent the remaining weekend screwing like bunnies. We haven't gotten together again yet, but we hope to soon.
If anything, this experience deepened the intimacy between us. I was able to lay to rest many of my questions about my sexuality. I have concluded that I am most likely bisexual. And my man was able to add more experience to his sexual history... and picked up a few tips on oral technique from me.
Sorry I didn't get to comment on this sooner!!