Well, the good news is that the credit card thing is over and done with. The bad news is that I wound up having to pay the whole thing all over again. Counting when I paid it off BEFORE, I've had to pay well over $3000 on a credit balance of $1200. That sucks. I was able to pay most of it with a large lump payment when I received my tax return, so I didn't wind up making payments for months. I have nothing in savings right now, and I hate that feeling. I'll have to scrape that together the old-fashioned way- cutting non-essential spending and saving as much as I can month to month. Ugh. 
My grandmother is home. She is still weak and using a walker, but she is home, and that is where she is staying for the time being. I find it so bizarre that she was able to beat breast cancer, but it was pneumonia that almost killed her. We are very lucky to have this feisty, loving lady with us still.
My job still sucks, and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I'm still working 3rd shift, a shift that is beginning to wear on me. Very little in this world seems to be scheduled to be at all convenient for someone on my shift. It's hard to see my family, except for on weekends, because they are on, essentially, 1st shift schedules. I thought I would be much happier on 2nd shift at work, so I talked to my boss about moving. She was fine with it, but when she sent it for approval to her boss, the district supervisor, he informed her that she would have too many full time co-workers if I moved to 2nd shift full-time, and she then replaced me- hiring on a new full-time person on 3rd. So essentially, if I wanted to switch shifts, I would have to give up my status as a full-time co-worker... and my benefits. No way am I losing my healthcare coverage. So for now, I'm stuck. I marvel at how I can go to work in a perfectly mellow mood, and 2 hours into my shift, I have made the switch to being homicidal. I'm getting really burned out. I have come to the conclusion that if I haven't managed to get off 3rd shift by the end of the year, I will be looking for another job hard-core. The second I find one with comparative pay, I'm getting the hell out of there. I hate to do it because I like and respect my boss, which is rare, and I love some of the people I work with. I like the company and the benefits are really good, but if I can't be happy there, I'm going to leave. That's the bottom line. Fortunately, I have managed to get off the insane eight 10 hour days straight, 6 days off work schedule I was on. Pulling 70 hrs in 7 days plus another 10 hour shift on top of that was killing me off physically, and was not helping my state of burnout. My days off are now broken up more, and I'm not working long stretches on a regular basis. Thank God.
My brother broke my boyfriend's hot rod. He begged and pestered until my guy gave him permission to drive it to prom. He took it a few days before the big event to get a feel for it and take it to be washed and waxed. 2 hours later, my boyfriend got a text that the car was running, but would not move. When he got there, he checked to make sure the driveshaft was still turning, but the car indeed wouldn't move. We had to get it towed home. When he had the chance to take a closer look at it, he began pulling broken gears out of the rear end of the thing. He would be needing a new rear differential. My brother swears up and down that he wasn't doing anything stupid in the car when the rear end went. Now, that would be believable if a) something hadn't just happened to have gone catastrophically wrong with the car in the 2 hours that he had possession of it ... b)the repair wasn't something that we knew for a fact could be caused by doing burnouts, brake stands, and otherwise showboating...c) he wasn't a 17 year old boy who suddenly had a sharp car with a lot of horsepower at his disposal, and d) it wasn't the exact same thing that had happened to my brother's eighties vintage red Chevy truck that he used to have. We know for a fact that my brother will never admit to doing anything stupid in my guy's car, but it really bothers my boyfriend not knowing exactly how all that damage was done. So now my boyfriend is out the expense of a tow, and the parts to fix his car (he's going to try to do the work himself) and since my brother is unemployed, he can't expect any help from him. The night after we got it home, he climbed into bed with me, wrapped his arms around me, laid his head on mine, and said, "I want to kill your brother." I told him that I didn't blame him. I feel so bad for him.
My relationship with my man remains solid. He is very sweet, lightens my spirit and makes me laugh on a regular basis, and he treats me like a queen. A queen that likes to cook for him, anyway.
We have been living together and paying bills together for over 7 months, and we have yet to have a fight. We tease and sarcasm each other on a regular basis, but we never get pissed off and yell. The phenmenon continues. We talk on a regular basis about whatever is bothering us, and I think that kind of open, honest communication keeps things from getting bottled up and exploding. I can't think of any other explanation for never fighting at all with a man I have been with for over a year and a half and lived with more than 7 months. Either that or we are still in the honeymoon phase, but if that is the case, it's been a long honeymoon. I am very blessed to have this man in my life, and the sex is fantastic.
Other than that, I don't really have much else to report. I'm thinking of planting a garden for the first time in my life, growing my own organic veggies. We'll see if I actually have a green thumb. We have been kicking around the idea of adopting a dog. We both want a larger, more intimidating breed, but a sweet, well-adjusted temperment. We'll see if that will happen in a few more months. How is everybody doing? How was your Easter?

My grandmother is home. She is still weak and using a walker, but she is home, and that is where she is staying for the time being. I find it so bizarre that she was able to beat breast cancer, but it was pneumonia that almost killed her. We are very lucky to have this feisty, loving lady with us still.
My job still sucks, and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I'm still working 3rd shift, a shift that is beginning to wear on me. Very little in this world seems to be scheduled to be at all convenient for someone on my shift. It's hard to see my family, except for on weekends, because they are on, essentially, 1st shift schedules. I thought I would be much happier on 2nd shift at work, so I talked to my boss about moving. She was fine with it, but when she sent it for approval to her boss, the district supervisor, he informed her that she would have too many full time co-workers if I moved to 2nd shift full-time, and she then replaced me- hiring on a new full-time person on 3rd. So essentially, if I wanted to switch shifts, I would have to give up my status as a full-time co-worker... and my benefits. No way am I losing my healthcare coverage. So for now, I'm stuck. I marvel at how I can go to work in a perfectly mellow mood, and 2 hours into my shift, I have made the switch to being homicidal. I'm getting really burned out. I have come to the conclusion that if I haven't managed to get off 3rd shift by the end of the year, I will be looking for another job hard-core. The second I find one with comparative pay, I'm getting the hell out of there. I hate to do it because I like and respect my boss, which is rare, and I love some of the people I work with. I like the company and the benefits are really good, but if I can't be happy there, I'm going to leave. That's the bottom line. Fortunately, I have managed to get off the insane eight 10 hour days straight, 6 days off work schedule I was on. Pulling 70 hrs in 7 days plus another 10 hour shift on top of that was killing me off physically, and was not helping my state of burnout. My days off are now broken up more, and I'm not working long stretches on a regular basis. Thank God.
My brother broke my boyfriend's hot rod. He begged and pestered until my guy gave him permission to drive it to prom. He took it a few days before the big event to get a feel for it and take it to be washed and waxed. 2 hours later, my boyfriend got a text that the car was running, but would not move. When he got there, he checked to make sure the driveshaft was still turning, but the car indeed wouldn't move. We had to get it towed home. When he had the chance to take a closer look at it, he began pulling broken gears out of the rear end of the thing. He would be needing a new rear differential. My brother swears up and down that he wasn't doing anything stupid in the car when the rear end went. Now, that would be believable if a) something hadn't just happened to have gone catastrophically wrong with the car in the 2 hours that he had possession of it ... b)the repair wasn't something that we knew for a fact could be caused by doing burnouts, brake stands, and otherwise showboating...c) he wasn't a 17 year old boy who suddenly had a sharp car with a lot of horsepower at his disposal, and d) it wasn't the exact same thing that had happened to my brother's eighties vintage red Chevy truck that he used to have. We know for a fact that my brother will never admit to doing anything stupid in my guy's car, but it really bothers my boyfriend not knowing exactly how all that damage was done. So now my boyfriend is out the expense of a tow, and the parts to fix his car (he's going to try to do the work himself) and since my brother is unemployed, he can't expect any help from him. The night after we got it home, he climbed into bed with me, wrapped his arms around me, laid his head on mine, and said, "I want to kill your brother." I told him that I didn't blame him. I feel so bad for him.

My relationship with my man remains solid. He is very sweet, lightens my spirit and makes me laugh on a regular basis, and he treats me like a queen. A queen that likes to cook for him, anyway.

Other than that, I don't really have much else to report. I'm thinking of planting a garden for the first time in my life, growing my own organic veggies. We'll see if I actually have a green thumb. We have been kicking around the idea of adopting a dog. We both want a larger, more intimidating breed, but a sweet, well-adjusted temperment. We'll see if that will happen in a few more months. How is everybody doing? How was your Easter?
If I got a dog, I'd want something cute like a wiener dog.
We had a German shepherd when I was a teenager. I didn't like it.
I need to update my blog. Yes - I found a doctor. I'm going to Toronto to see him on Wednesday.