Things are going pretty good for me. I paid off the nearly $2000 balance on my credit card. I blitzed it- making big payments that were nearly twice the minimum. That really took a bite out of my income, it's a relief to actually see the money from those payments go back into what I can actually spend a month. I wound up having to go to the doctor a few weeks ago- I had to go through all the hoops that having new insurance seems to make you jump through, but it worked! After a year of being uninsured, I don't have to be worried about getting sick and how the hell I'm going to pay for the doctor's appointment and medicine out of pocket.
Work is stressful. I'm still firmly convinced that the work load that they gave the third shift at my store is designed for a place that has much less business. Every night, I know I'll be running flat out all night and likely still won't get everything done. My boss pulled me aside today and asked me to give her a list of our busiest nights. She said she hadn't realized how many customers we had at night, and that she wanted to start scheduling a few hours of help for us on our busier nights. Hallellujah! (sp?) That will be such a relief!
My Mom and I went shopping last weekend and I splurged on myself a bit. Usually, when I get clothes it's 1 t-shirt or pair of pants at a time from Wal-Mart or K-mart. We went to a department store and I bought 4 pretty new shirts and more than 4 sets of underthings. They were all either from the clearance rack or had some sort of special on them (buy 3, get 2 free, etc.). Anyway, I had to tell myself to breathe when they totalled it up, but it felt good. The funny thing was- my Mom always gives me crap for being so goth and wearing so much black and gray. When we got to the counter the things I was buying were in technicolor (dark purple, green, peach, blue, burgundy), and she bought black shirts and black slacks.
We both got a kick out of that.
I got my Federal tax return yesterday. I have my utility bill to pay out of it first, then I'm putting another $100 into savings for a new iPod. My little iPod mini has been fantastic, but it's outdated, and has started to have little breaks with reality when it will just turn itself off and simply won't work for a few minutes. When it comes back, my newest additions may or may not still be on its memory. I take this as a sign it's on its way out.
My boyfriend and I haven't been able to see much of each other lately and it's making me cranky. This weekend, providing nothing comes up, we're going to go dancing in Ames. Nightlife is pretty sad around this town, and he's been wanting to take me to Ames for weeks now. Gotta love the college towns.
Hope everyone is doing well! I've gotta finish my breakfast (which is now cold thanks to all my typing
) and go to bed. I have my cheesy chicken enchiladas to make tonight for the fam- I need my energy. Primarily to help eat it all.
Work is stressful. I'm still firmly convinced that the work load that they gave the third shift at my store is designed for a place that has much less business. Every night, I know I'll be running flat out all night and likely still won't get everything done. My boss pulled me aside today and asked me to give her a list of our busiest nights. She said she hadn't realized how many customers we had at night, and that she wanted to start scheduling a few hours of help for us on our busier nights. Hallellujah! (sp?) That will be such a relief!
My Mom and I went shopping last weekend and I splurged on myself a bit. Usually, when I get clothes it's 1 t-shirt or pair of pants at a time from Wal-Mart or K-mart. We went to a department store and I bought 4 pretty new shirts and more than 4 sets of underthings. They were all either from the clearance rack or had some sort of special on them (buy 3, get 2 free, etc.). Anyway, I had to tell myself to breathe when they totalled it up, but it felt good. The funny thing was- my Mom always gives me crap for being so goth and wearing so much black and gray. When we got to the counter the things I was buying were in technicolor (dark purple, green, peach, blue, burgundy), and she bought black shirts and black slacks.

I got my Federal tax return yesterday. I have my utility bill to pay out of it first, then I'm putting another $100 into savings for a new iPod. My little iPod mini has been fantastic, but it's outdated, and has started to have little breaks with reality when it will just turn itself off and simply won't work for a few minutes. When it comes back, my newest additions may or may not still be on its memory. I take this as a sign it's on its way out.
My boyfriend and I haven't been able to see much of each other lately and it's making me cranky. This weekend, providing nothing comes up, we're going to go dancing in Ames. Nightlife is pretty sad around this town, and he's been wanting to take me to Ames for weeks now. Gotta love the college towns.

Hope everyone is doing well! I've gotta finish my breakfast (which is now cold thanks to all my typing

Yes, I'm greedy.
It's on my list of things to buy when I win the lottery.
Sorry you and your bf don't see much of each other. What's in Ames to do? Especially with college being summer vacation now.
I love the idea that your boss doesn't actually realize how many customers they get at night. I mean, isn't everything computerized so that they can just look at some sort of stats or graphs? Or, the old-fashioned way - looking at sales figures.
I went on a shopping spree for clothes too. You'll have to read my blog for more information about it.