My Step-sister Erica's 21st birthday was Friday. My Dad, Step-mom, and I all drove up to go party with her and about 15 other people. At that point, a little family drama with my Mom had me in the mood to blow off some steam. Erica rented a party bus with crushed velvet seats and a bone-rattling sound system. I still can't hear out of my right ear- which was the side the speakers were on as I rode along. The plan was to go to five different bars, but we only wound up going to three. It was really interesting to see my Step-mom get staggering drunk- even my Dad admitted he'd never seen her that shnockered.
Erica might be a hundred pounds soaking wet, and was pounding down shots like a longshoreman three times her size- I was quite impressed that she was still able to stand under her own power at the end of the night. I didn't do too bad myself... conservatively, I had 14 drinks that night. I do believe that was the most alcohol I've ever ingested in one night. Considering all that, I was amazed that I not only was aware of what was going on, but also able to help diffuse some more stressful situations that happened during the night. I kept track of my Step-Mom for Dad when he had to leave for a bit- kept her from falling or knocking things over, half-dragged Erica's completely smashed Father out of the second bar before he got himself into trouble, and helped Erica when she got upset later on that night. Some of the guys we picked up nearly started a fight at the last bar, and we got booted out. By that time everyone was feeling no pain, and the rental on the bus was up at 2 am so we went ahead and wrapped things up. Erica's boyfriend built a bonfire in their backyard, and I hung out with Erica and a few friends back there until about 5 am.
I got no sleep that night, part of the problem was that I was trying to sleep in a recliner, and the other part was that there were too damn many people moving around in that house for me to be able to drift off to sleep. When we got up, I was tired, but not feeling headachey or sick, which reinforces my theory that I really don't get hangovers.
My dad got enough hangover for all of us, I guess, so I wound up driving home.
I like working third shift. The customers have been very nice, I can turn up the radio and sing along as much as I want, and working with little to no supervision suits me. I hate having supervisors hovering about... makes me nervous. I do miss my co-workers, though. I got along really well with most of them, and struck up friendships with others. Now, it's kind of hard to coordinate times to get together when we're all working opposite shifts. The only other issue is people coming in when I'm in the back and automatically assuming I've been assaulted or killed- because after all that's what happens to all third shift convenience store clerks, right? Like the lady that came in my first night alone and told me about a clerk that had been beaten to death at a convenience store in Des Moines. And gave me details about where they found pieces of the clerk's broken teeth.
That was incredibly comforting to me.
Anyway. It does get kind of lonely, though. It's a good thing I'm easily entertained.
Erica might be a hundred pounds soaking wet, and was pounding down shots like a longshoreman three times her size- I was quite impressed that she was still able to stand under her own power at the end of the night. I didn't do too bad myself... conservatively, I had 14 drinks that night. I do believe that was the most alcohol I've ever ingested in one night. Considering all that, I was amazed that I not only was aware of what was going on, but also able to help diffuse some more stressful situations that happened during the night. I kept track of my Step-Mom for Dad when he had to leave for a bit- kept her from falling or knocking things over, half-dragged Erica's completely smashed Father out of the second bar before he got himself into trouble, and helped Erica when she got upset later on that night. Some of the guys we picked up nearly started a fight at the last bar, and we got booted out. By that time everyone was feeling no pain, and the rental on the bus was up at 2 am so we went ahead and wrapped things up. Erica's boyfriend built a bonfire in their backyard, and I hung out with Erica and a few friends back there until about 5 am.
I got no sleep that night, part of the problem was that I was trying to sleep in a recliner, and the other part was that there were too damn many people moving around in that house for me to be able to drift off to sleep. When we got up, I was tired, but not feeling headachey or sick, which reinforces my theory that I really don't get hangovers.

I like working third shift. The customers have been very nice, I can turn up the radio and sing along as much as I want, and working with little to no supervision suits me. I hate having supervisors hovering about... makes me nervous. I do miss my co-workers, though. I got along really well with most of them, and struck up friendships with others. Now, it's kind of hard to coordinate times to get together when we're all working opposite shifts. The only other issue is people coming in when I'm in the back and automatically assuming I've been assaulted or killed- because after all that's what happens to all third shift convenience store clerks, right? Like the lady that came in my first night alone and told me about a clerk that had been beaten to death at a convenience store in Des Moines. And gave me details about where they found pieces of the clerk's broken teeth.

That was incredibly comforting to me.

Third shift eh? sounds good to me.. I love my night shift work.... keeps me out of trouble and I can listen to whatever music I want to.
Hope the rest of your week goes well
I'll even resist the urge to tell you about night shift store clerks who have been killed.
Fourteen drinks and no hangover?
Wow! I don't think I've ever had that much to drink. I've had about half that, and then been terribly hungover.