Much better. The last two days at work were very busy, but not awful like Thursday night was. I have tomorrow off, and plan on sleeping pretty much the whole day if possible
I also noticed that after almost a month and a half at my new job, my feet are adapting to spending 40 hours standing at work per week. I actually forgot to sit down at the end of my shift tonight when I had the chance, and I wasn't in too much pain to do a little shopping after I got off work tonight. This is a huge difference from my first few weeks, where I was in misery during the last part of my shifts and my feet often throbbed for hours after I got off work. It is so great to actually be able to function normally after I get off work!
Now, I'd better eat my supper before the cat or my brother decide to eat it for me!

Now, I'd better eat my supper before the cat or my brother decide to eat it for me!
Glad you're adapting to being upright for hours at a time.
i just really needed to know i'm not being a crazy bitch for not wanting to go back to this friendship.
i got over being mad at her a long time ago, and while i don't hate her, i don't really like her either. i just have to come up with the words to tell her that i forgive her but i don't want to be her friend.