Holy shit garage sales are a lot of work. The fact that I've had maybe 1 decent night's sleep in the last three days really doesn't help the exhaustion. If I didn't have to work tomorrow night, I might just sleep all day. I also want to send a big "fuck you" to my Uncle the catnapper for leaving his parents in the lurch this week once again. And once again, I wound up stepping in to do damage control. On the upside, I got to spend quality time with the Grandparents, made a little money, and managed not to get sunburned. I'm still going to give him a piece of my mind the next time I see him, though. He's caused my Grandparents no end of grief, betrayed my trust, and made my Mom and Brother cry. There isn't any excuse he can give me that will make that okay.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 15, 2010
Sometimes my family really makes me want to bash my head against a br… -
Thursday Aug 26, 2010
2 more months to go until I'm a Mrs. I'm starting to freak out.... No… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2010
Still hanging in there. Progress is being made- I'm one day a week cl… -
Tuesday Jan 26, 2010
I'm back!! Our computer sucked up some lint and the hard drive went o… -
Sunday Nov 22, 2009
My fiance and I are both fighting colds this weekend. We've been runn… -
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
I got engaged a few hours ago!!! Squee!! -
Monday Oct 12, 2009
It's been quite a while since I posted. Work is still much the same. … -
Friday Jul 24, 2009
My 4th of July was entirely more stressful than I wanted it to be. Af… -
Friday Jun 19, 2009
6 blessed days off. I also took a long weekend for the 4th of July. … -
Tuesday May 05, 2009
Something very interesting happened. I was at work, opening up an ext…
And consider yourself tagged. List 20 random things about yourself. No cheating. In other words, don't tell us stuff we already know, like you live in Iowa. Okay, I already know a lot of random stuff about you, so don't worry if I already know. But they should be things that most people here wouldn't already know.