I've got to make a trip up to Cedar Falls... drop off my FAFSA form, and my checks for rent and my portion of the power. Then I'll be back in my hometown for the weekend. We're having visitors... the woman who watched my brother while my Mom was at work pretty much from the cradle is bringing her daughter down today sometime. She's pretty much an honorary member of the family, she helped raise Chris until he was well into grade school. My brother had his first job interview today... he got all panicky over what he should wear... just kind of sat there and shot down anything I suggested. I knew he was nervous, so I didn't get too annoyed, but eventually told him "You're wearing this shirt, these pants, and these shoes. Put them on NOW!"
We didn't have time to panic and run around pulling our hair over the choice of clothes, we needed to get him cleaned up, and go. And people wonder why I don't have kids yet.

This is why I just have one sit to wear that goes well for anything and I can dress it up for any occasion but I do need a tuxedo suit as the amont of times I have hired one is ridulous
, good days are always great days