okay, so I really want to have this baby. I don't even know if I am really ready to have the baby here but I am really ready to not be pregnant anymore. I am getting super uncomfortable. and I hate the waiting and not knowing when or how its going to happen.
will my water break first like last time? will I start having contractions? will it be during the day? In the middle of teh night? there are just so many what ifs.
I scheduled an acupuncture session tomorrow to "get things going". I feel okay doing acupuncture b/c I don't feel its an inducer...in my opinion it just helps prepare the body and if the body is already getting ready it maybe encourages it a bit. I was feeling like I was jumping the gun abit on the acupuncture but as I am tyoing hee I am realizing that I am pretty up tight right now, and I have heard acupuncture can help with stress so I guess maybe it will be good for me. I'm also having a lot of back pain, so who knows if it can fix those things it will be worth it even if it doesn't help me with labor.
I really don't want to go past my EDD for a few reasons.
1- My first was a pretty big baby 8lbs 12oz. The longer this one cooks the bigger she gets so I would like for her to not cook too much longer.
2- once I hit my EDD I am on a time line. I would have to be induced by 42 weeks and I will have to start having non-stress tests, etc. at my next appt (40+ wks) All of this basically means more interventions, more likelihood of a hospital birth and basically all the things I don't want.
3- my little sister is flying in for 10 days to help out. She gets here next Thursday. Although it would be nice to spend time with her doing stuff other than watching babies, I really wanted her here to be able to help out. I won't really need much help if there is no baby yet!
So basically I have 1 week to get this baby to come out. Thats when my next appt is, when my sister comes in and 3 days past my EDD.
I know nobody is reading this and thats okay. I feel a little better just getting it out. I am feeling so anxious and jittery this evening. but my back hurts so I am going to go relax a bit!
will my water break first like last time? will I start having contractions? will it be during the day? In the middle of teh night? there are just so many what ifs.
I scheduled an acupuncture session tomorrow to "get things going". I feel okay doing acupuncture b/c I don't feel its an inducer...in my opinion it just helps prepare the body and if the body is already getting ready it maybe encourages it a bit. I was feeling like I was jumping the gun abit on the acupuncture but as I am tyoing hee I am realizing that I am pretty up tight right now, and I have heard acupuncture can help with stress so I guess maybe it will be good for me. I'm also having a lot of back pain, so who knows if it can fix those things it will be worth it even if it doesn't help me with labor.
I really don't want to go past my EDD for a few reasons.
1- My first was a pretty big baby 8lbs 12oz. The longer this one cooks the bigger she gets so I would like for her to not cook too much longer.
2- once I hit my EDD I am on a time line. I would have to be induced by 42 weeks and I will have to start having non-stress tests, etc. at my next appt (40+ wks) All of this basically means more interventions, more likelihood of a hospital birth and basically all the things I don't want.
3- my little sister is flying in for 10 days to help out. She gets here next Thursday. Although it would be nice to spend time with her doing stuff other than watching babies, I really wanted her here to be able to help out. I won't really need much help if there is no baby yet!
So basically I have 1 week to get this baby to come out. Thats when my next appt is, when my sister comes in and 3 days past my EDD.
I know nobody is reading this and thats okay. I feel a little better just getting it out. I am feeling so anxious and jittery this evening. but my back hurts so I am going to go relax a bit!
sorry I haven't been around....
Maybe you are havin that baby now ; )
We got the labor going with our 2nd by using evening primrose oil during sex. Just put it right on his penis and have at it. We had to stop because I started contracting right then and there.
But it was a slow labor and I don't know how much that had to do with it. Maybe we weren't quite ready yet for the birth and jumped the gun? Seems to me a slow reluctant labor could be a risk of even these natural ways to induce. But I don't know.
Good luck! Lots of love to you!!!
PS my first was 10 days late!!! I can relate to wanting to be done!
Try not to fret too much and just think... sometime very soon we'll be able to have some wine and cloves!