I don't want to bond over being raped.
I just don't want to talk about it.
I don't want a friendship to be built on such a horrific experience. Why don't we go out for tea instead? Why don't we get high and forget it ever happened at all. And stay on a bender until it never happened. And then the slate will be clean?...
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Let's have some tea then ...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
bah 23 perfect age!
The past is melting slowly into the future; the two were cold ancestors for a while there.
what does it means?
did you disappear much


I like the flash.
Good site restructuring.
On a side note, I wish snot didn't accompany tears. It seems so unnecessary and messy. And goopy.
Good site restructuring.
On a side note, I wish snot didn't accompany tears. It seems so unnecessary and messy. And goopy.
Someone was dead at work today, but the AED brought him back to life. I held his two year old's hand and took down medical information from his wife, and the two year old said "daddy is dead right?".
I do tech support for a mortgage company. Nobody ever dies at work. I can't even imagine what that would be like.
Heh, yeah both of my jobs revolve around emergency response. No one I've treated has fully (biologically) died yet, though some of my colleagues have had to deal with that.
is that you in your journal?
well it depends on what one considers travelling
for phone interviews i travel about 20 feet from my bedroom to my office lol
for in person interviews i have to travel from queens into manhattan
but then again i've also gone to quite a few movie sets in london, sydney australia, los angeles, toronto, salt lake city, ummm austin and i;m going to san diego comicon this july
do u have aol instant messenger?
well it depends on what one considers travelling
for phone interviews i travel about 20 feet from my bedroom to my office lol
for in person interviews i have to travel from queens into manhattan
but then again i've also gone to quite a few movie sets in london, sydney australia, los angeles, toronto, salt lake city, ummm austin and i;m going to san diego comicon this july
do u have aol instant messenger?
How much of your time does the interview prep process take up? (Relative to pursuing other endeavours.)
i;m opretty good at it by now so i have it down to a science.
first you listen to cd, watch movie, read book, then for me its about 20 mnutes on hte internet and mining my own head for questions
i;m opretty good at it by now so i have it down to a science.
first you listen to cd, watch movie, read book, then for me its about 20 mnutes on hte internet and mining my own head for questions
<style type="weiner">
me:trying {
speaking: incomprehensibility=999, babble=constant;
me:failing {
retreat: complications=abound, brown eyes=distracting
This is what my style sheet would look like if it was describing the features of my retardedness when speaking to enamored others.
me:trying {
speaking: incomprehensibility=999, babble=constant;
me:failing {
retreat: complications=abound, brown eyes=distracting
This is what my style sheet would look like if it was describing the features of my retardedness when speaking to enamored others.
I wish HTML worked in these. I would probably post more if I wasn't so div-frustrated. What's that saying? Give me freedom or give me CSS?
I've spent far too much time in the library and not enough time seeing X3. Poo.
I've spent far too much time in the library and not enough time seeing X3. Poo.
Some of the SG sets as of late are a bit too horny for art... kind of a bit backwards I guess. And ironic that I'm even writing about it. I honestly don't come here to get off; I realize that people do but also that it's not the overlying goal. The girls are still beautiful but some of them seem less autonomous about their...
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heh i coudlnt get off here if that WERE my goal
i have trouble enough with super hot gals that are completely detached and you know its all roleplay etc etc.
yeah they'll get with the program though again i'm sure of it. after a few years its kind of hard to keep things fresh but rebel by being well conformist if all else fails, then switch shit around again hehe.
how have you been mi'dear?

i have trouble enough with super hot gals that are completely detached and you know its all roleplay etc etc.
yeah they'll get with the program though again i'm sure of it. after a few years its kind of hard to keep things fresh but rebel by being well conformist if all else fails, then switch shit around again hehe.
how have you been mi'dear?

slipping through my outstretched fingertips
(the one that got away)
please don't cry baby (I'll be back soon enough)
(the one that got away)
please don't cry baby (I'll be back soon enough)
You see, my problem is not with her not loving me, nor is it with the absolution of our relationship. My problem is that she would give me hope when there was no hope. The "I Love You's" when they weren't sincere is whats painful. The "we may have a future's" when it was already known not to be the case is what hurt. I just regret the feeling that I was making the greatest girl alive (in my eyes at the time) as happy as she could be and that she loved me when it was untrue. I was always open and honest... all I ever asked was the same.
And I never once have questioned if it would be the sex I would miss. What I miss is the kisses, the cuddling, the feeling that what we had was someting that could not be replicated with any other person. It would be hard for me to continue with her as a friend because we weren't friends before we started. It would be hard to see her and not think "Wow, this girl is still the most gorgeous alive" and not want to kiss her. I'm sure it may be possible over time, but not at this time.
But I do thank you for your consideration. It's much appreciated that a complete stranger could make an effort to help me out.
And might I say that you are actually quite striking. Not hitting on you... just making an opinion known.
And I never once have questioned if it would be the sex I would miss. What I miss is the kisses, the cuddling, the feeling that what we had was someting that could not be replicated with any other person. It would be hard for me to continue with her as a friend because we weren't friends before we started. It would be hard to see her and not think "Wow, this girl is still the most gorgeous alive" and not want to kiss her. I'm sure it may be possible over time, but not at this time.
But I do thank you for your consideration. It's much appreciated that a complete stranger could make an effort to help me out.
And might I say that you are actually quite striking. Not hitting on you... just making an opinion known.
Drowning in philanthropy and musings of ire.
thanks for the lovely comment on my new set. i had so much fun shooting it,
take care
take care