hello doll faces
I am updating like a mofo, because I am bored and I miss my baby, Brandon
Today kinda sucked, it is always so crazy and hectic in my house. I wish no one was here all the time, that would be pretty awesome. But no instead of that there are like 11 soon to be 12 people that live in my house. I thank god that I have my own fucking bedroom otherwise there would be absolutely no privacy.
Can someone please save me from this?
I want out of here, a-sap. I think that needs to become my goal. I know my mom will be heart broken if I just up and leave one day, but hey..I can't be "mommy's little girl" forever, besides..there is always Taylre. I just wish I didnt have so much shit to worry about, like bills and such.
I mean yeah I would be out of my house, but being broke too? that wouldnt be cool.
my back has been hurting for that past two days. It feels a bit better today so im sure its nothing serious.
I need my baby sbmick to come and rub my body up and down. mmmm. that would be fantastic right about now..
whelp. all I need to do now, iswaitfor my boo to get home so I can chat it up on the phone.
check the new pics bias.
ashley mickey
i hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me. and realize how many times ive tried, but thats wishful thinking. all i want is an apology for what you did and how you treated me. get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me. dont hold this against me. ive already said im sorry
Hey baby it's your lover B-Mick here. I just wanted to tell you that you are beyond amazing. I am such a lucky mofo to have such a sexy and entertaining woman. Anyway we'll have to get you away from them 12 people for a long while. Anyway I LOVE YOU. Ashley Mickey..
I am updating like a mofo, because I am bored and I miss my baby, Brandon
Today kinda sucked, it is always so crazy and hectic in my house. I wish no one was here all the time, that would be pretty awesome. But no instead of that there are like 11 soon to be 12 people that live in my house. I thank god that I have my own fucking bedroom otherwise there would be absolutely no privacy.
Can someone please save me from this?
I want out of here, a-sap. I think that needs to become my goal. I know my mom will be heart broken if I just up and leave one day, but hey..I can't be "mommy's little girl" forever, besides..there is always Taylre. I just wish I didnt have so much shit to worry about, like bills and such.
I mean yeah I would be out of my house, but being broke too? that wouldnt be cool.
my back has been hurting for that past two days. It feels a bit better today so im sure its nothing serious.
I need my baby sbmick to come and rub my body up and down. mmmm. that would be fantastic right about now..
whelp. all I need to do now, iswaitfor my boo to get home so I can chat it up on the phone.
check the new pics bias.
ashley mickey

i hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me. and realize how many times ive tried, but thats wishful thinking. all i want is an apology for what you did and how you treated me. get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me. dont hold this against me. ive already said im sorry
Hey baby it's your lover B-Mick here. I just wanted to tell you that you are beyond amazing. I am such a lucky mofo to have such a sexy and entertaining woman. Anyway we'll have to get you away from them 12 people for a long while. Anyway I LOVE YOU. Ashley Mickey..

Back problems huh? I hear ya. Hope it's nothing serious. just keep stretching, it always helps me.
It's tough leaving the nest, and there is nothing worse than having to come back to it. Just remember, it will always be there if you need a place to go.
Yeah, living on your own blows, debt is my middle name.