OK this really sick! I was typing! You blog and for whatever reason my vizio went bad to the main menu! How was your fourth of July? I hope you had a better fourth of July than I did. On a scale of 1to10 I would have to give my fourth of July a big fat 0! Seriously it was very disappointing! I am starting to hate all holidays.
This year I did not by fire works. Over all I think it was wise for me no to. I mean they are very expensive. Last year I bought60dollars worth and after I rebretedit severely! So this year I did not want to waist my money. In our neighborhood we usually have a picnic. This year however we forgot to reserve it. So when I went to the barbie q I was told I was not allowed to eat. Uh excuse me. Been in this sat neighborhood for over twentybyears far too fucking long I don't need to reserve shit!
So instead I had to go eat at Dennys. I still wanted do something fun so I did what any normal man would do when he wants to have fun. I called a fast girl. I go to her house midnight thinking I would have something to do. I find out she lives in a trailer in the middle of nowhere behind some ones house with no bathroom.
What I thought would have been a good time was a shitload time I have known this women for a long time I felt sorry for her. Meeting a long time friend of mine in a trailer with no bathroom does not work for me. Shesaid it was temporary I hope so I hate to see her like that or an y one els! It will be a while before I see her. I hated the trailer!
This year I did not by fire works. Over all I think it was wise for me no to. I mean they are very expensive. Last year I bought60dollars worth and after I rebretedit severely! So this year I did not want to waist my money. In our neighborhood we usually have a picnic. This year however we forgot to reserve it. So when I went to the barbie q I was told I was not allowed to eat. Uh excuse me. Been in this sat neighborhood for over twentybyears far too fucking long I don't need to reserve shit!
So instead I had to go eat at Dennys. I still wanted do something fun so I did what any normal man would do when he wants to have fun. I called a fast girl. I go to her house midnight thinking I would have something to do. I find out she lives in a trailer in the middle of nowhere behind some ones house with no bathroom.
What I thought would have been a good time was a shitload time I have known this women for a long time I felt sorry for her. Meeting a long time friend of mine in a trailer with no bathroom does not work for me. Shesaid it was temporary I hope so I hate to see her like that or an y one els! It will be a while before I see her. I hated the trailer!