ok it is official ! my website for the book i got published has been expired . Am i going to delete it ? YES !!!! it never did anything for me . I never sold a copy , i am not going to admit defeat instead i will go in another direction . My book is contracted not to go out of printing so i might still one day be able to sell a copy but not right now . I wrote two sequels for the book . Right now they are on a disc . Will i get them oublished ? i don't know .
You can say ,i should and it will be a tragedy if i did not . ON the other hand , who is going to help pay the publishing costs ? any one ? cause i sure as fuck am not going to pay all 100 percent of the publishing costs. That is for sure !!!!! and i don't think any one else is either . So i came to an epiphany , that writing is not a real job. The thing that gets me is all of the marketing i paid for . that was a rip off , you can say life is what you make of it . Bullshit !!! people who say that are not on the same page as i am . Do they know what it is like to have a book published and not sell a single copy ? no , until they do save your philosophies i don't give a shit .
I hate the saying , life is what you make of it , that saying does not help it does not help it does not do anything or change anything . a few years ago i made a huge mistake , of joining a readers club for magazines i never read . 5 years now the
y have been siphoning 60 dollars from my account every month . and i could not cancel . The last check they took from me should be the last check that i need to pay .
I do not know what the fuck is taking so long for bsis to review my application for my private investigators license !!!! IT really pisses me off !!!! the check for the live scan went through , and that has to go through the fucking fbi !!!!! i wrote the checks at the same time one goes through one doesn't ? what the fucking hell ? what kind of bullshit is this ???? i did not get a denial letter either . I did apply for a ride along program in the sacramento city jail . I did get a denial letter for that .
IN all likelimess it is because i spent time in a psychiatric ward . I was only there four about 48 hours . they let me go before the seventy two hours was up . Are they going to hold that against me for the rest of my life ? what the fuck ? Seriously what the fuck ? why do police oficers have to hide behind there fucking badges think there more important than any one else think there lives are more important than any one elses and then lie and bullshit caliming , " it is for your safety . " sorry sir you can't go through just yet you still need to wait . "
" OH , i am sorry , are you a pscychiatrist ? " NO ? WELL THEN THAT IS NOT YOUR FUCKING CALL !!!!! righ now i am very bitter, pissed off and frusterated . I feel like i am trying to find a way out ran down a hallway found a door and some one is telling me ,
You can say ,i should and it will be a tragedy if i did not . ON the other hand , who is going to help pay the publishing costs ? any one ? cause i sure as fuck am not going to pay all 100 percent of the publishing costs. That is for sure !!!!! and i don't think any one else is either . So i came to an epiphany , that writing is not a real job. The thing that gets me is all of the marketing i paid for . that was a rip off , you can say life is what you make of it . Bullshit !!! people who say that are not on the same page as i am . Do they know what it is like to have a book published and not sell a single copy ? no , until they do save your philosophies i don't give a shit .
I hate the saying , life is what you make of it , that saying does not help it does not help it does not do anything or change anything . a few years ago i made a huge mistake , of joining a readers club for magazines i never read . 5 years now the
y have been siphoning 60 dollars from my account every month . and i could not cancel . The last check they took from me should be the last check that i need to pay .
I do not know what the fuck is taking so long for bsis to review my application for my private investigators license !!!! IT really pisses me off !!!! the check for the live scan went through , and that has to go through the fucking fbi !!!!! i wrote the checks at the same time one goes through one doesn't ? what the fucking hell ? what kind of bullshit is this ???? i did not get a denial letter either . I did apply for a ride along program in the sacramento city jail . I did get a denial letter for that .
IN all likelimess it is because i spent time in a psychiatric ward . I was only there four about 48 hours . they let me go before the seventy two hours was up . Are they going to hold that against me for the rest of my life ? what the fuck ? Seriously what the fuck ? why do police oficers have to hide behind there fucking badges think there more important than any one else think there lives are more important than any one elses and then lie and bullshit caliming , " it is for your safety . " sorry sir you can't go through just yet you still need to wait . "
" OH , i am sorry , are you a pscychiatrist ? " NO ? WELL THEN THAT IS NOT YOUR FUCKING CALL !!!!! righ now i am very bitter, pissed off and frusterated . I feel like i am trying to find a way out ran down a hallway found a door and some one is telling me ,