I'm going through a book phase. i used to think i didn't really like books, but it was just i'm not much of a fiction reader as much as non-fiction. makes sense i guess. i have three i've started.
margaret - new kitten is completely mental but oh so loveable. i still miss Shamus but i've managed to not cry over him for a week now. and i can talk about him and look at photos of him.
my friend moved down the road from me and i ran into another friend who lives on the same street. the other friend just broke up with her straight accountant boyfriend and is now dating a guy who kinda looks like he watched rompa stompa a little too much. they were pretty drunk so the scary factor does go up a bit because of that.
my friends that just moved had a totally brisbane shared house moment with their new home. a lady went crazy - after a break-up with her husband, hadn't paid rent for weeks and ran off with their bond. the owner didn't even know that they were moving in, and the rent was the wrong price... oh man - i love you Brisbane for all your weirdness.
this heatwave is driving me INSANE. i just don't understand. have our seasons changed month on us? or is Australia just never going to cool down again? or is it because of the storms in Western Australia? why doesn't anyone know why its so fucking hot??????? and where is our rain season???

margaret - new kitten is completely mental but oh so loveable. i still miss Shamus but i've managed to not cry over him for a week now. and i can talk about him and look at photos of him.
my friend moved down the road from me and i ran into another friend who lives on the same street. the other friend just broke up with her straight accountant boyfriend and is now dating a guy who kinda looks like he watched rompa stompa a little too much. they were pretty drunk so the scary factor does go up a bit because of that.
my friends that just moved had a totally brisbane shared house moment with their new home. a lady went crazy - after a break-up with her husband, hadn't paid rent for weeks and ran off with their bond. the owner didn't even know that they were moving in, and the rent was the wrong price... oh man - i love you Brisbane for all your weirdness.
this heatwave is driving me INSANE. i just don't understand. have our seasons changed month on us? or is Australia just never going to cool down again? or is it because of the storms in Western Australia? why doesn't anyone know why its so fucking hot??????? and where is our rain season???

i'm more of a non-fiction girl too, which annoys me as i always see these novels i think would be a great idea to read but i just can never get into it the way i devour biographies