Okay so yesterday was one of the greatest days of my life. I'd been searching a while for a green chair for my office. I had all these ideas of what I wanted but no-where to source it from as I live in expensive antique town and I didn't want to pay more than $50 for a green chair. So there I was - doing the banking in Wynum/Manly and came across a second hand furniture store with the above chair sitting out the front with a price of $49 on it. I nearly fell over. So I sat in it to see if it would suit the purpose of reading or cross stitch - and it was perfect. Next I had to check with the husband to see if this would be considered an impulse buy or not - and I got the greenlight - went in and purchased my chair. I finally have my green chair. Now all I need is a purple cushion for it and then I'll be complete.

I did christmas shopping last night. my heart broke - so I drove into the Myer centre to eat at my one and only favourite take-away sushi place in the world Sushi Train only to find that after sitting down - asking for my green tea - that there was a box with chop-sticks in it, not just a cup with them sticking out all over the place. Something was wrong. The broken english of the staff wasn't that broken, in fact they spoke very good english, these weren't Japanese exchange students - they were Australians. IRASHAIMASE had not been shouted at me as I entered. I look up to find that the staff are wearing black polos with Sushi Delight written on them. I really don't cope well with change, so I politely eat my one plate of food (it wasn't that bad at all but I really wanted my lobster ships real bad) and leave asking - what happened to Sushi train.... The thing is - I started eating there from my first year of highschool in 1995, so there was a big emotional attachment to that place. A lot of memories....
But i went on to buy a bubble tea (taro milky no pearls) and got over it - and continued shopping and when I got home I realised that I managed to pick up a little too much street press. I'm obsessed with magazine communications...

the husband needs to cut the grass. couldn't find shamus this morning for his weekly photoshoot. Shamus likes the new chair. He's a lot like me - loves new things. When we get something new he sits on it and does that purring thing and blinks a lot.

I like the new chair too