So my goal this year is to follow through on completing actions out of my comfort zone. Of course to do that, I must act and here’s my honest attempt at that.
I hear music in my head all the time although I cannot sing well or express through instruments what symphonies, melodies, belts, screams and ect I hear.
All I want to do is write and hear how others interpret my songs. I’ve been writing since I could string a sentence together but what’s the point of these works if I never share them to be translated. So here I go, depending on the response, sharing my mind with the SG community. I am terrified.
The song I want to share I wrote about 30 minutes ago. The only way I can come up to describe what I hear is the sound is White Stripes and Sweet Dreams inspired. Without further ado, here’s ‘She’
She has an essence Shakespeare would write poetry about
She is the rain that blesses the drought
She is an atom the peak of mankind
She is the universe and life intertwined