“There are so many ladies here that have been working hard to become pink! Some have been here for years and years waiting for one of their sets to be ‘the one’ that turns them pink. Everyone’s journey is different- some girls go instapink, or pinkness comes easy and for others it may take many months or years. We all come in with the same goal and have to set ourselves apart to stand out in our own special way.”
Last week there were so many babes to turn pink that the lady I was in the middle of blogging about (Paolanobrec) went pink! Hopefully I finish this blog before it happens for this babe; but either way I’m glad to be moving down the list. I’ve never had that happen before!
Today’s gem is such a kind hearted person and has been a hopeful since 2018. I had the pleasure of really getting to interact with her back at the end of May when I was having an airport meltdown haha. She helped me collect myself and I am forever grateful for that!
Say hello to the beautiful @thrashie! 💙
Make sure you enjoy her Harry Potter inspired set 69 Points To Hufflepuff shot by @toxicroach before her next set hits member review soonlyish!
She and @leemalee made a set that I absolutely can’t wait to see. This teaser looks fire and I’m excited for this set to drop!
It’s looking like @thrashie is just getting started on her SG climax so I’m sure she’ll have plenty of more surprises to come!
You can keep up with all her upcoming and past work on:
Keep your eyes peeled for this beauty in the future! I think she’s going to have an amazing journey on SG and I’d love to see her on the front page someday. It’s such a gift to ride with a hopeful from their beginning until they turn pink and beyond. She’s definitely someone I’ll be cheering on with every set she puts out here! 💙
Star 🌟