I wanted to do an extensive blog for this day, I have so many ladies I want to uplift but I couldn’t draft it yesterday. I wasn’t feeling up to anything but being in bed. To my favorite hopefuls I will try to post on each and every one of your pages so you know you are loved and I wish I could write about you all.
Thank you all for listening to me your comments ALWAYS help.
But today I’d like to talk about one hopeful whoms perseverance and dedication has inspired my own.
I met @starphire at a BlackHeart Burlesque show manyyy years ago. She was the first hopeful I ever met. I instantly loved her and as veteran hopefuls we always make sure to keep each other positive on this journey.
I am pretty sure she’s the longest running hopeful active on the site!
She is a SuicideGirl in my eyes. She always supports others and embodies the spirt of SG like no other. I want her to turn pink so badly I’d honestly give up my own spot for her. I know there’s room for us both though!
She has so many amazing sets waiting for you to love on.
I talk to her in my daily life and anytime something happens here, we always share the same exact thoughts on it. That’s also the reason I think our multi experience was so smooth and fun!
I love you @starphire and thank you for being someone I know will be in my life forever.
StarStuff 🌟