Someone tied a large pit-bull puppy (about 5 or 6 months and 50 lbs) to the tree in my front yard a few days ago and abandoned him. My wife and I took him in and are in the process of adopting the brute.
Does anyone know of a home owners insurance company (in California) that will insure your house even though you have a pit-bull? Our ins. is going to drop us once we report adopting the dog.
Does anyone know of a home owners insurance company (in California) that will insure your house even though you have a pit-bull? Our ins. is going to drop us once we report adopting the dog.
whoa. poor puppy & poor you guys re: the insurance. sorry i know nothing about insurance, but good luck! how is the new little guy getting along with your other dog?
Aw, poor doggie. Have you seen papawheelie's t-shirt design?