im really into laffy taffy these days it tastes good and the jokes can sometimes be cute not funny but cute.everybody disses the banana flavor but i like it.ive been playing tony hawk underground alot ive never experienced video game thumb but i have one now and it hurts .the titans beat miami today pretty easily .
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 24, 2004
my birthday was fun i drank beer and room temperature jagermeister. -
Sunday Jun 06, 2004
how come taco bell always comes out with some good ass taco or burrit… -
Friday Jun 04, 2004
i rejoined foranother month i think its to see the sets i missed th… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2003
im really into laffy taffy these days it tastes good and the jokes ca… -
Friday Nov 07, 2003
i totally have combination skin.i want to go see elf tomorrow or some… -
Sunday Nov 02, 2003
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Thursday Oct 30, 2003
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Wednesday Oct 29, 2003
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