my birthday was fun i drank beer and room temperature jagermeister.
its kind ner nashville.. about 45 minutes away from west nashville
how come taco bell always comes out with some good ass taco or burrito then takes it away and then has crap in a bowl and stupid chicken tacos forever ,i really liked the cheesy gordita crunch but then the bastards take it away.lars fredrickson and the bastards are playing here on june 24th with the horrorpops ,the day after my birthday so that might...
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Happy B-Day!
its your birthday and you better be having fun right now! p.s. cartoon tacos make me happy
i rejoined foranother month i think its to see the sets i missed then ill cancel my account again and wait for new ones ,i almost think there are too many suicide girls too look at ,is that weird?
if you saw me
why didnt you say hi
weird that you recognized me
im really into laffy taffy these days it tastes good and the jokes can sometimes be cute not funny but cute.everybody disses the banana flavor but i like it.ive been playing tony hawk underground alot ive never experienced video game thumb but i have one now and it hurts .the titans beat miami today pretty easily .
i totally have combination skin.i want to go see elf tomorrow or sometime this weekend ,whenever the commercial comes on for the movie i try to look away because i want to see if the movie is gonna be funny but i hate seeing to many scenes cause they usually pick the best scenes gor the commercial.finding nemo was really really good.
yeea im the same way kant watch the comercials cuz it will fuck it all up
skull skull
theres alot of dead grasshoppers in my room for some reason.and anyone in nashville that needs a roomate send me a message
does anyone ever have the problem of only getting pimples on thursday or friday before the weekend then feeling weird about it when your out getting krunk?by monday the pimple is long gone and you are craving fish sticks
my grandmother makes great pickles she hasnt made them in years though so now shes all out.mates of state in nashville exit inn on saturday