Today I defended my masters project.


With no revisions.

Go me.

Now I can get back to the important things, like finding a job and finding a girlfriend who doesn't drive me nuts.

Or at least get back to drinking so I don't have to think about mmy problems. Ahhh life.
I don't update things very often so I'll just throw something up here because I'm bored and don't want to work on my masters project at the moment.

Anyway, still no luck finding a girl. Not really surprised, Manuel's may be the greatest bar ever created by man or woman but it isn't exactly the best place to meet a girl. Haven't really gone out...
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So I've been meaning to get my ears pierced for a while, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to get small piercings or big ones. Well last week I finally decided and got my ears pierced. Went down to Kolo with Krista and we both got 10 gauge plugs put in our ears. It didn't hurt anywhere near as much as I thought it...
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141 sycamore st
Decatur GA 30030
The first week of school was totally awesome. Not a night went by without something fun happening.

Monday Night: Drinking with Travis at the Local then his place. Got a kewl comic from Travis (which I've already finished)

Tuesday Night: I can't actually remember what I did Tuesday (anyone remember?) I'm sure there was drinking involved.

Wednesday Night: Back to Dave's place for the painting...
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I doubt it, I don't do much walking on hemphill
maybe so, still looked like you from your pic
There I was, minding my own business. Just driving along with no radio on, nothing. It was a little to quiet for my tastes so I reached over to my radio and unplugged the cassette adapter. Thats when it hit me. No, not a car, or an idea or anything so important as that. But it was still one of the strangest things that has...
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It has occured to me that certain individuals are much better at getting comments on their blogs than I am. You may know one of those post whores, they may be your boyfriend, your co-worker, your neighbor even your brother or sister. These are the type of people that give blogging a name, I'm not sure if its a good name or a bad name,...
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a hack bit, nonetheless funny. the pictures made it so.

you have to comment on people's journals. and don't just say things like "yeah, i always feel like that." just say stupid tangental things that you can support with random facts from your own life--blogs are like sitting around the breakfast table on sunday mornings reading the paper: you tell the other person what you're reading in 2 sentences, they respond in a grumble (smiley), or the first thought that comes to mind. neither of the conversations leads anywhere--you just say one or the other.

the important part is acknowledging that other person that wrote that shit--like im doing just now.
Got the estimate back for my newly damaged vehicle.

(Long story short, I hit an uninsured truck on the 101, he took off)

Fucking $2500-$3000! The guy I hit just got a fucking bent fender. I now owe my parents a shitload of cash. Now I have to ride the bus for the first time in years. I don't like the bus very much, I...
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Finally got back from cinci today. The flight out there sucked. Never ever fly on Northwest! The plane was the airbus version of the 737 so it was nice and cramped inside, and completely booked. I got stuck in the middle seat on the flight out to memphis which was one of the worst flying experiences ever. The guy on the left stank, the guy...
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Heading home for the weekend (where home means Cinci).  So I'm driving down to SFO in an hour and some amount of time to pay to park my car there for four days and fly out.  Now some of you are probably thinking WTF John!  Take the caltrain.  I would but I can't park my car overnight there (as far as I can tell) and...
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I'm stuck in one of my funks again. I feel miserable and lonely. But I don't want to go out or see people or really talk to people. I just want to sit around and be miserable. The last time I was in one at least I had my friends to drag me out of the house and do things, but now I don't have...
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Seriously, I don't understand why I can't just have a simple happy life. Is that really too much to look for? I guess I understand why Christina wants to break up and I guess in the end its for the best, but why can't I just have a lasting relationship that makes me happy?

On the bright side I did get my ass pinched when...
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How anyone can live in the suburbs is beyone me. There is absolutely nothing to do out here, nothing at all. Thats probably the worst thing about this internship, that and being 3000 miles away from my girlfriend. But I'm starting to like San Francisco and the Left Coast, with some exceptions:

1) Prices, who would think that a one bedroom sublet would be $800...
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