Wow I havent blogged on this in a long time. Maybe I should just start copying over my blogs from lj so I dont look dead? *shrugs* Well heres the latest one, which is getting posted everywhere^^
Yay! Just got back from Anime Central, and it was a blast! First off I have to say finally having a hotel room at the con is so much better than dealing with being in another hotel. Im only ever going if I can stay there.
Met a lot of old con friends, and made some new ones as well, good stuff^^ So without further ado, I'll try to recollect exactly what I did each day:
- Stood in line to receive my badge. I shouldnt have had to as I asked it to be mailed. But ACen fails at life when it comes to organization.
- Went to the opening ceremonies where they introduce all the guests and talk about the con for a bit.
- Went to the Neon Genesis Evangelion panel. That was really cool. The American voice actors for Shinji, Asuka, and Kowaru were there, the American voice actors' directior, and the Eva guru Karl Horn^^ Oh man, Tiffany sounds JUST LIKE ASUKA even when she isnt trying to, hehe. I love her to death now^^
- Checked out the dealers room and got a couple things, checked into the room.
- Went to the Trigun panel, where YASUHIRO NIGHTOW was! He is the creator of Trigun and hero of mine. The weapons designer for Trigun was there too; They were both really fun guys. They dont speak English at all so every question we asked had to be translated back and forth, hehe.
- Afterwards Bean and I were both feeling hungry, so we ate and chilled in the room for a little bit
- Then we went to *shudder* Anime Hell and Midnight Madness. Imagine a mix of anime parodies, viral videos, random old Japanese commercials, and anything else all mixed together and raping your brain for 4 hours. Yeah, thats about right.... it was awesome^^
- Then we went to bed
- We spent all morning and some of the afternoon in the dealer's room Saturday. I ended up spending like 400 bucks on stuff, haha. But thats how much I took with me, and ACen is only once a year^^
- I went to Great Teacher Largo's panel afterwards, which was pretty funny^^ A guy dressed as Largo made fun of anime and games for about an hour, and then ended talking about zombies, good stuff^^ Bean was at the Bleach photoshoot during that time (He was dressed as Ichigo)
- Afterwards we went back to the room for a bit as we though the Masquerade was packed and we couldnt get in. As we were sitting there watching anime though we got a call saying it was starting late and we could get in.
- Went to the masquerade and saw some awesome costumes, and some hilarious skits. It was pretty good.
- We then went to go see Your Favorite Anime Sucks^^ Its 4 guys up on stage, and people in the audience raise their hands and say an anime, and then they say how much it sucks. Last year they were hilarious. This year they were so-so.
- After that Bean went up to bed, but it was only midnight and I wasnt even close to done. Between 12 and 6 in the morning, I watched the Spoony Bards (awesome video game and anime music cover band), checked out the rave (which was so-so) and talked to a bunch of cool people.
- Sunday we went to Yasuhiro Nightow's singing ^___^ He signed my Trigun manga for me. SO AWESOME! I got a picture with him too, and he said he liked my Toy Soldier uniform ^____^ I love him!
- After that more wandering around and talking to people, and then the closing ceremony.
OH! And about 5 or 6 people actually recognized the Toy Soldier uniform! I was impressed, te word is getting around^^ I propaganda-ed this con like crazy too, so Im hoping to get a bunch of new people enlisting^^
So! Cool people I met this year, or met again that I knew previously:
Jenny- I saw her there last year as well, but actually got to sit down and talk with her for a few minutes this time, which was great^^
Emily- Someone from Peoria who I bumped into, who I found out came with a bunch of people I knew from Peoria. Small world!
Destiny- Another Peoria person I havent seen in YEARS. It was cool to catch up.
A Toy Soldier I dont remember the name of, but I got his AIM so Ill be talking to him again soon most likely.
Alllll the people a drunkenly played that alligator game with rocked!!
Jared - Some dude I ended up talking to about tons of different stuff
Cassidey - Some girl who knew Jared that started talking to us.
Mike - The main guy from Your Favorite Anime Sucks. He likes all the same anime I do. Even Galaxy Express 999 which no one hardly knows!
Amanda - Bean's mom's boyfriend's niece. Haha.
Heather - A really good cosplayer who was in the registration and opening ceremony lines with us.
A dude who actually has a street performance license. Talked to him for a while when we were in the reg line.
Jon - Owner of Fast Food Anime. I know him from on LJ actually, hehe. The only place I ever buy manga and anime from at ACen because his prices kick ass.
Two girls I didnt catch the names of while we were in line for Your Favorite Anime Sucks. Talked to them about manga and anime for like an hour (That line took ages)
Jeanette and Joe - Two people Ive known since high school that I rarely get to see anymore. It was great to catch up with them.
Another dude who works for Fast Food Anime. Talked to him while waiting in line for Yasuhiro Nightow.
Thats not even close to all the cool people I talked to, but those are the ones that really stick out in my mind. The best thing about ACen is knowing you are surrounded by thousands of people you can strike up a conversation with at any time^^
Finally, stuff I bought:
Last Exile box set
AmeriManga Issue 4 from March 03 (cuz it has Warmth by Fred Gallegher. Never seen it in print before.)
Trigun #2
The Sagara Family (hentai game)
Kana (reallllly sad hentai game)
A moogle hat
A Nyake Burger shirt
Two Dir En Grey CDs
A Japanese zombie movie
A Thai zombie movie
Lots of badass stuff^^ Anyway, thats about it for now. Ill post pics when I get them from Bean
Yay! Just got back from Anime Central, and it was a blast! First off I have to say finally having a hotel room at the con is so much better than dealing with being in another hotel. Im only ever going if I can stay there.
Met a lot of old con friends, and made some new ones as well, good stuff^^ So without further ado, I'll try to recollect exactly what I did each day:
- Stood in line to receive my badge. I shouldnt have had to as I asked it to be mailed. But ACen fails at life when it comes to organization.
- Went to the opening ceremonies where they introduce all the guests and talk about the con for a bit.
- Went to the Neon Genesis Evangelion panel. That was really cool. The American voice actors for Shinji, Asuka, and Kowaru were there, the American voice actors' directior, and the Eva guru Karl Horn^^ Oh man, Tiffany sounds JUST LIKE ASUKA even when she isnt trying to, hehe. I love her to death now^^
- Checked out the dealers room and got a couple things, checked into the room.
- Went to the Trigun panel, where YASUHIRO NIGHTOW was! He is the creator of Trigun and hero of mine. The weapons designer for Trigun was there too; They were both really fun guys. They dont speak English at all so every question we asked had to be translated back and forth, hehe.
- Afterwards Bean and I were both feeling hungry, so we ate and chilled in the room for a little bit
- Then we went to *shudder* Anime Hell and Midnight Madness. Imagine a mix of anime parodies, viral videos, random old Japanese commercials, and anything else all mixed together and raping your brain for 4 hours. Yeah, thats about right.... it was awesome^^
- Then we went to bed
- We spent all morning and some of the afternoon in the dealer's room Saturday. I ended up spending like 400 bucks on stuff, haha. But thats how much I took with me, and ACen is only once a year^^
- I went to Great Teacher Largo's panel afterwards, which was pretty funny^^ A guy dressed as Largo made fun of anime and games for about an hour, and then ended talking about zombies, good stuff^^ Bean was at the Bleach photoshoot during that time (He was dressed as Ichigo)
- Afterwards we went back to the room for a bit as we though the Masquerade was packed and we couldnt get in. As we were sitting there watching anime though we got a call saying it was starting late and we could get in.
- Went to the masquerade and saw some awesome costumes, and some hilarious skits. It was pretty good.
- We then went to go see Your Favorite Anime Sucks^^ Its 4 guys up on stage, and people in the audience raise their hands and say an anime, and then they say how much it sucks. Last year they were hilarious. This year they were so-so.
- After that Bean went up to bed, but it was only midnight and I wasnt even close to done. Between 12 and 6 in the morning, I watched the Spoony Bards (awesome video game and anime music cover band), checked out the rave (which was so-so) and talked to a bunch of cool people.
- Sunday we went to Yasuhiro Nightow's singing ^___^ He signed my Trigun manga for me. SO AWESOME! I got a picture with him too, and he said he liked my Toy Soldier uniform ^____^ I love him!
- After that more wandering around and talking to people, and then the closing ceremony.
OH! And about 5 or 6 people actually recognized the Toy Soldier uniform! I was impressed, te word is getting around^^ I propaganda-ed this con like crazy too, so Im hoping to get a bunch of new people enlisting^^
So! Cool people I met this year, or met again that I knew previously:
Jenny- I saw her there last year as well, but actually got to sit down and talk with her for a few minutes this time, which was great^^
Emily- Someone from Peoria who I bumped into, who I found out came with a bunch of people I knew from Peoria. Small world!
Destiny- Another Peoria person I havent seen in YEARS. It was cool to catch up.
A Toy Soldier I dont remember the name of, but I got his AIM so Ill be talking to him again soon most likely.
Alllll the people a drunkenly played that alligator game with rocked!!
Jared - Some dude I ended up talking to about tons of different stuff
Cassidey - Some girl who knew Jared that started talking to us.
Mike - The main guy from Your Favorite Anime Sucks. He likes all the same anime I do. Even Galaxy Express 999 which no one hardly knows!
Amanda - Bean's mom's boyfriend's niece. Haha.
Heather - A really good cosplayer who was in the registration and opening ceremony lines with us.
A dude who actually has a street performance license. Talked to him for a while when we were in the reg line.
Jon - Owner of Fast Food Anime. I know him from on LJ actually, hehe. The only place I ever buy manga and anime from at ACen because his prices kick ass.
Two girls I didnt catch the names of while we were in line for Your Favorite Anime Sucks. Talked to them about manga and anime for like an hour (That line took ages)
Jeanette and Joe - Two people Ive known since high school that I rarely get to see anymore. It was great to catch up with them.
Another dude who works for Fast Food Anime. Talked to him while waiting in line for Yasuhiro Nightow.
Thats not even close to all the cool people I talked to, but those are the ones that really stick out in my mind. The best thing about ACen is knowing you are surrounded by thousands of people you can strike up a conversation with at any time^^
Finally, stuff I bought:
Last Exile box set
AmeriManga Issue 4 from March 03 (cuz it has Warmth by Fred Gallegher. Never seen it in print before.)
Trigun #2
The Sagara Family (hentai game)
Kana (reallllly sad hentai game)
A moogle hat
A Nyake Burger shirt
Two Dir En Grey CDs
A Japanese zombie movie
A Thai zombie movie
Lots of badass stuff^^ Anyway, thats about it for now. Ill post pics when I get them from Bean