Bad bad bad weekend.
Wed: Snow, can't see Electric 6, can't see girl
Thur: Lions lose
Fri: Car won't start, needs new $700 distributor (?)
Sat & Sun: Have to do PLS 812 & FCE 872 final projects.
Wed: Snow, can't see Electric 6, can't see girl
Thur: Lions lose
Fri: Car won't start, needs new $700 distributor (?)
Sat & Sun: Have to do PLS 812 & FCE 872 final projects.

$700 distributor? What is it made of, gold? Wait. It may be.
Yea man. I gave up on that girl for about a second. I got so stressed out I got sick cause I didn't hear from her. Now I'm pretty amped up and my nose isn't running like a busted faucet. You know, at times I think all this bad shit happens only to make the small things in life stick out. Call me crazy but I've always thought that if tons of bad shit happens something really good will come around to even the weight. So when shit hits the fan... I wait for a suit case full of $100 to fall from the sky.