It's late and I should be in bed. I've felt like crap for the last several days, not to mention the plight of my love life hasn't helped any. Furniture Guy is out. It's not going to work out, which makes me really sad, but that's the way it is. Not to fear. Tomorrow night I have a date with Tech Guy. If I'm lucky, maybe that'll be good. I'm pretty sick of dating. It's like being jolted with a cattle prod over and over in the rain. Madness.
Kitties are being jerks tonight because I was out doing laundry most of the day. I'm waiting for my nails to dry and then going to bed. Have to prepare for the hell on earth that is monday. Ehhh.
Kitties are being jerks tonight because I was out doing laundry most of the day. I'm waiting for my nails to dry and then going to bed. Have to prepare for the hell on earth that is monday. Ehhh.
merrr you need a nice warm bath with some candles and maybe some wine!!! too much stress for sucha pretty lady give the kitties catnip itll help

Ughh, I was thinking I needed some wine too! And a bubble bath never hurt anybody. I need one more day off! And nix the catnip...that makes them INSANE. Like more insane than I have ever seen cats act. They need some fucking xanax!!