The new Kittehs are here! I tried to take pictures of them, but they're so very black and my apartment's so very dark... It just wasn't working. So here are the pictures that the shelter made. They're like freaking Glamour Shots for cats...Yikes. But, you get the jist.
I picked them up around 3pm today. I got one crate to carry them in. Thankfully they both fit; Manny is such a fatkins I was afraid they'd be all crammed in there. Stash licked Manny's head the ENTIRE way home. The Guinea pigs were more aware of the cats than the cats were aware of them. The kitties have investigated the apartment and seem to be pretty at home. They're both under the bed now, but they've been checking everything out since I brought them home. We even had nap time! Aside from Stash randomly deciding he needs to try to fit Manny's face inside his mouth every ten minutes or so, I'd say the pair are a success. They seem to get along for the most part, which I was a little worried about. So, YAY!
Tomorrow night is date number two with Furniture Guy, and I am beyond excited. I'm gonna have to make a crazy fast trip to the store tomorrow after work. I have zero groceries in this bitch. Must fix that. I didn't finish my art yet. I really wanted to get that done tonight, but it was beyond accomplishing. I'm still having mixed emotions about it anyway. Ah, well...
This is Stash. He's a little bit of a spazz, but he's amusing. He has acquired a fondness for trying to get close to the piggie cage.
This feller here is Manny. He's about twenty pounds, but is glued to my side and so loving. His only vice is opening ALL the cabinets in the kitchen. I had to string them together, but it was almost useless. He also got his big fat head stuck in my closet.
I'm hoping that I don't come home to find a piggie massacre. Pepe and Mortimer should get to live a little longer...

I picked them up around 3pm today. I got one crate to carry them in. Thankfully they both fit; Manny is such a fatkins I was afraid they'd be all crammed in there. Stash licked Manny's head the ENTIRE way home. The Guinea pigs were more aware of the cats than the cats were aware of them. The kitties have investigated the apartment and seem to be pretty at home. They're both under the bed now, but they've been checking everything out since I brought them home. We even had nap time! Aside from Stash randomly deciding he needs to try to fit Manny's face inside his mouth every ten minutes or so, I'd say the pair are a success. They seem to get along for the most part, which I was a little worried about. So, YAY!
Tomorrow night is date number two with Furniture Guy, and I am beyond excited. I'm gonna have to make a crazy fast trip to the store tomorrow after work. I have zero groceries in this bitch. Must fix that. I didn't finish my art yet. I really wanted to get that done tonight, but it was beyond accomplishing. I'm still having mixed emotions about it anyway. Ah, well...
This is Stash. He's a little bit of a spazz, but he's amusing. He has acquired a fondness for trying to get close to the piggie cage.

This feller here is Manny. He's about twenty pounds, but is glued to my side and so loving. His only vice is opening ALL the cabinets in the kitchen. I had to string them together, but it was almost useless. He also got his big fat head stuck in my closet.

I'm hoping that I don't come home to find a piggie massacre. Pepe and Mortimer should get to live a little longer...

Good luck with furniture guy - hope he realises how lucky he is
Furniture Guy didn't spend the night tonight, so I'm kinda sad about that. He does like me though, this I'm sure of. I'm trying to be all proper with him and not let him know exactly how badly I want in his pants... hahahahh He's really awesome, and since I'm good at screwing stuff up, I'm trying my best not to. This guy's a keeper fo realz.