Man, I haven't been on here in so long. I guess I should renew my membership. College is hard. It costs money which eats into my happiness fund. I've been playing a lot of Stronghold Kingdoms, doing massive amounts of homework, and sexxxin it up with the new boyfriend. I guess life is pretty good.
urban decay, bare minerals, and some l'oreal for good measure
I'm sick. I don't know what the fuck I have. Maybe Ebola. Maybe Swine Herpes. Maybe Ebola Swine Herpes ultra bad 56. Whatever it is, it's making me feel barfy and head-achey and my entire left arm from wrist to shoulder hurts. I've missed a day and a half of work, which probably just sucked up my entire bonus for the month. LAME. I want...
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It's booooooty night! I love date nights. Pizza and a movie....and candles. I'm easy to please. 

And your hair looks great! 

Thank you!! It makes me feel nekkid - and not good nekkid - like the neighbor's uncle is watching you undress type of nekkid. 

It's late and I should be in bed. I've felt like crap for the last several days, not to mention the plight of my love life hasn't helped any. Furniture Guy is out. It's not going to work out, which makes me really sad, but that's the way it is. Not to fear. Tomorrow night I have a date with Tech Guy. If I'm lucky,...
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merrr you need a nice warm bath with some candles and maybe some wine!!! too much stress for sucha pretty lady give the kitties catnip itll help

Ughh, I was thinking I needed some wine too! And a bubble bath never hurt anybody. I need one more day off! And nix the catnip...that makes them INSANE. Like more insane than I have ever seen cats act. They need some fucking xanax!!
i found out that taking a small blanket to the vet makes the visit much more enjoyable for my little one.
They're starting to lay in the carrier, so this is a good sign. They don't mind the vet, just the trip there in the carrier. I have a blankie laid in it for them so they don't get all slidey and they can snuggle. Manny pretty much sprawled out on the vet table like he owned the place and didn't put up any fuss until he wandered off the table and the vet accidentally stepped on his tail. He does like to get under everyone's feet. 

That's Cool. Any thoughts on what kind of map? I think a old style 17-1800's style map would look really cool, You could even do the crazy sea creatures in the ocean to add another focal piece. Very cool.
That's more of what I was aiming for. I think it would look better on the wood (and definitely sea creatures)! 

I feel barfy. Manny smells gross. Dinner was delicious. I'm so tired I could explode into a coma.
So, my first failing as a cat parent: I bought a litter box with one of those swingy-door-flap things. Apparently, I forgot to untape that part, so I walked into the kitchen and found someone shitting in his food bowl... NICE. I'm pretty sure if I had...
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So, my first failing as a cat parent: I bought a litter box with one of those swingy-door-flap things. Apparently, I forgot to untape that part, so I walked into the kitchen and found someone shitting in his food bowl... NICE. I'm pretty sure if I had...
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The new Kittehs are here! I tried to take pictures of them, but they're so very black and my apartment's so very dark... It just wasn't working. So here are the pictures that the shelter made. They're like freaking Glamour Shots for cats...Yikes. But, you get the jist.
I picked them up around 3pm today. I got one crate to carry them in. Thankfully they...
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I picked them up around 3pm today. I got one crate to carry them in. Thankfully they...
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Aww they're so cute! Sounds like they'll have a great life with you. I love the names... did you choose them or were they given by the shelter?
Good luck with furniture guy - hope he realises how lucky he is
Will we get to see your art once it's finished?
Good luck with furniture guy - hope he realises how lucky he is

I always rename everything! Their names just didn't fit them. Manny really looks like a manhole cover, and Stash is just crazy. I keep calling him Stash 'n dash. He's like a little fucking jet!
Furniture Guy didn't spend the night tonight, so I'm kinda sad about that. He does like me though, this I'm sure of. I'm trying to be all proper with him and not let him know exactly how badly I want in his pants... hahahahh He's really awesome, and since I'm good at screwing stuff up, I'm trying my best not to. This guy's a keeper fo realz.
Furniture Guy didn't spend the night tonight, so I'm kinda sad about that. He does like me though, this I'm sure of. I'm trying to be all proper with him and not let him know exactly how badly I want in his pants... hahahahh He's really awesome, and since I'm good at screwing stuff up, I'm trying my best not to. This guy's a keeper fo realz.

Glad you like! Oh and btw. THIS post of yours makes ME super happy.
Purpose served. LOL