So, life has been totally productive and crazy at the same time lately. Ive always dreamed of doing the work I am doing and I am more than grateful and appreciative of the fact that I can make a living doing what I love.
I feel alot of love and support from my family and close friends and that makes me feel special and like I can do anything. However, I find it sad and disheartening when people ridicule me, my career and the adult industry as a whole.
i know its just sticks and stones but I feel so attacked sometimes. People telling me I dont love myself because i show my body when in fact i wouldnt show a body i didnt love. I got my breasts done after I had my daughter to keep up with my career, yes.
But in no way do i dislike my breasts or regret getting them. I love how they look, they were nice before but having a baby changes your body and my body is both my temple and my job, so its always important i look good and feel good and the two go hand in hand for me.
I just cant help but to hear the conspiracy theorist in the back of my head screaming at me "They want you to conform, Stacy! They want you to be ashamed of your light!"
I cant let them dim me.
At the end of the day noone takes care of my family but me, so I know as long as they are happy depending on me, I am happy to keep doing my part the best way I know how. While comfortably loving it and myself at the same time!
I am on my way to being one of the biggest names in the adult film industry and I will not let anyone stop me from getting there.