Man i hate thursday's!!!!!
I guess if really had to pick a day of the week it would be Thursdays. Its one day cloesr to Saturdaay but not close enogh, but most of all its my babies "Monday".
So it kind of puts me in a funk...for so many reason none of which i would like to share.
Whis i wasn't so insacure, like i know i shouldnt feel a certain way about things and i know some of the thoughts i have are really dumb, but theres this pain and hurt i still have locked away that comes out once and awhile that i just cant take. It only comes around when i feel like im reliving certain things...
But what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger right? So yeah this is me being all down on my self today.
Maybe i'll feel better in the morning?
What's playing on my cd player
Lyrics Born: Love you so bad
The Streets: It's to late
NIN:Right where it belongs
just seeing if this works

I guess if really had to pick a day of the week it would be Thursdays. Its one day cloesr to Saturdaay but not close enogh, but most of all its my babies "Monday".

Whis i wasn't so insacure, like i know i shouldnt feel a certain way about things and i know some of the thoughts i have are really dumb, but theres this pain and hurt i still have locked away that comes out once and awhile that i just cant take. It only comes around when i feel like im reliving certain things...
But what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger right? So yeah this is me being all down on my self today.
Maybe i'll feel better in the morning?
What's playing on my cd player
Lyrics Born: Love you so bad
The Streets: It's to late
NIN:Right where it belongs
just seeing if this works

Everything here is pretty good.
How are things with you?
Thanks it's been a long week, but a good one.
Hope you're feeling better now that it's the weekend.