so i dont think my med's are working the way they should or may be i should go back to half a pill....not sure but i've been really emotional for the last few weeks. its really starting to wear on me too.
Something some one told me the other day " your not a product of your genaration".
does any one else feel that way some times. cause man i feel like that all the time. from the way i think to the way i feel about things. I feel like such an old man sometimes,
like if you knew me back in the day like 5 ,6 years ago shit i would have been down for almost anything... i've done some fucked up shit and have done my share of drugs, one thing that has always been sacred was being with some one in a relationship you know. never cheated never slept around never wanted to be in a 3 some ore with more then one woman. an ex used to say men that can have it dont want it and men who want it can get it . that was her take on 3somes.
here i am 5 years later i dont do drugs dont really think i ever will. i try to walk a straight line for the most part, still just want to be with one person and only one person.
and it seems that that really doesnt work all that well in this day and age. i could be wrong and it could be just me.
i told some one very close to me last night " the women im atracted to dont seem to be the women that are right for me "
but its something about the kind of woman im attraced to that just drives me crazy the good and the bad.
i think im doomed to learn the hard way.
so we shall see
current moods
whats playing on my media player
lyricsborn:love me so bad
sublime: my rucca
weezer: surf wax america
slipknot:fuck this world
mazzystar: fade into you
Something some one told me the other day " your not a product of your genaration".
does any one else feel that way some times. cause man i feel like that all the time. from the way i think to the way i feel about things. I feel like such an old man sometimes,
like if you knew me back in the day like 5 ,6 years ago shit i would have been down for almost anything... i've done some fucked up shit and have done my share of drugs, one thing that has always been sacred was being with some one in a relationship you know. never cheated never slept around never wanted to be in a 3 some ore with more then one woman. an ex used to say men that can have it dont want it and men who want it can get it . that was her take on 3somes.
here i am 5 years later i dont do drugs dont really think i ever will. i try to walk a straight line for the most part, still just want to be with one person and only one person.
and it seems that that really doesnt work all that well in this day and age. i could be wrong and it could be just me.
i told some one very close to me last night " the women im atracted to dont seem to be the women that are right for me "
but its something about the kind of woman im attraced to that just drives me crazy the good and the bad.
i think im doomed to learn the hard way.
so we shall see
current moods

whats playing on my media player
lyricsborn:love me so bad
sublime: my rucca
weezer: surf wax america
slipknot:fuck this world
mazzystar: fade into you
how did you set go?
How's the set? Did you get my email to download those things???