trying to find something to do when funds are low and when your just starting to get used to going out this sux
what to do today???????????????????
okay lets try this again ...
im a year older and maybe a little wiser we sahll see..
cant wait going to cali here in a few short weeks and i cant wait...then i hope to plan a few more trips ...
so not much else to tell ..going through some stuff but not really wanting to go through it right now..but all i can see is that im ready for what ever comes along
thanx SGNM for coming out
hugs and kisses all
what to do today???????????????????
okay lets try this again ...
im a year older and maybe a little wiser we sahll see..
cant wait going to cali here in a few short weeks and i cant wait...then i hope to plan a few more trips ...
so not much else to tell ..going through some stuff but not really wanting to go through it right now..but all i can see is that im ready for what ever comes along
thanx SGNM for coming out
hugs and kisses all
If you invite me and APrimadonna will most likely be there.