i find my self back on the road
could this be were im bound??? could this be were im bound
going down 40 to 17 just to see her 40 to 17 to home
but i find my self trying to find my way back
back from the darkness
back from the darkness
witch way to go
i find my self lost lost in a world of broken hearts and broken bones
witch way to go
playing on my cd player
Social D....AFI...OLD GREEN DAY...HANK WILLIAMS Sr..some EMO trying to stay in goood spirts but its hard
well were to start ...yet again young beat24 has been heart broken ....in the same fashion but less painful...it didnt take 4years for it to happen and it happend only once and...i think in a wierd way my....i want say ex cause i dont like that word...but she did what she had to do ...she ended us in order to not hurt me any more ...i can respect that ...i dont have to like though i hold no grudge towards her or the other parties ....i realize more and more things happen we may not always like the result but they happen....
we had this thing not sure what you call it but its glass and its cool as hell
it reads
soul mate; 1. n. a person for whom one feels a deep spiritual,emotional and physical connection,espa lover,wife,husband,etc.2.n. a conneection for whom one feels a mutual affinity which can not be expressed through words i.e: then it read are names
well its my belife that this is correct but not accurit i dont think you have to be a lover or what not to be a soul mate this needs something i think maybe the word friend
well i hope my....gets what im saying ....
well i am what some would say free from a realationship but that does not mean im looking by any means in fact i too think its time for a change beat24 is going gay j/k...
but as life throughs us these crazy lefts and rights its what we do with them that make us who we are and i think this will make us both better people ....
emotions as of now
could this be were im bound??? could this be were im bound
going down 40 to 17 just to see her 40 to 17 to home
but i find my self trying to find my way back
back from the darkness
back from the darkness
witch way to go
i find my self lost lost in a world of broken hearts and broken bones
witch way to go
playing on my cd player
Social D....AFI...OLD GREEN DAY...HANK WILLIAMS Sr..some EMO trying to stay in goood spirts but its hard
well were to start ...yet again young beat24 has been heart broken ....in the same fashion but less painful...it didnt take 4years for it to happen and it happend only once and...i think in a wierd way my....i want say ex cause i dont like that word...but she did what she had to do ...she ended us in order to not hurt me any more ...i can respect that ...i dont have to like though i hold no grudge towards her or the other parties ....i realize more and more things happen we may not always like the result but they happen....
we had this thing not sure what you call it but its glass and its cool as hell
it reads
soul mate; 1. n. a person for whom one feels a deep spiritual,emotional and physical connection,espa lover,wife,husband,etc.2.n. a conneection for whom one feels a mutual affinity which can not be expressed through words i.e: then it read are names
well its my belife that this is correct but not accurit i dont think you have to be a lover or what not to be a soul mate this needs something i think maybe the word friend
well i hope my....gets what im saying ....
well i am what some would say free from a realationship but that does not mean im looking by any means in fact i too think its time for a change beat24 is going gay j/k...
but as life throughs us these crazy lefts and rights its what we do with them that make us who we are and i think this will make us both better people ....
emotions as of now

ok so if you want some help to put this thing together let me know!
lets just get a hotel suite! like at the marrott. or the hyatt!