the last thing i saw in San Fran..
well im still in the hotel on base and it sux not much i can do with a car full of crap...i dont feel like driving around this city with it...so i end up staying on base and in the hotel rm thank god for cable!!!! i should move in to my house this friday and get the movers in on monday cant wait !!!! nother thing that sux is i miss my girl and my friends in cali i dont know anybody here and it makes me feel alittle down
so being homeless sucks just thought i would let you all know this .............i will update soon its hard to get to a computer so i should be up and running next week...wait i wont be up until the 14th i think ...........fuck this sux hope everyone else is doing better then me.....well heres whats been going on or should i say coming up
i have moved to NM ....(if anyone reads this and is in the NM drop me a line ...)
anyways i have started to take my hobbie to the next level i have 1 maybe 2 girls to photograph that want to apply to be an SG. and when the new semester starts i will be taking some classes so lots going on ..........
ME,Sidney, _O_
i look forward to shaking hands with ya at the party.