I got beat at 4 out of 5 hands of Crazy Eights tonight by a five year old, and now I owe him $200. Of course, when you raise a kid in New Orleans, he really only has two career options: card shark or pirate.
Drinking whiskey out of jelly jars-- does that say "creativity," "poverty," or "alcoholism?" Four law students in New Orleans eagerly await your answer.
Speaking of which, class rankings came out and suddenly I'm far more employable than I ever imagined. Now I just have to finish writing a good, 20-page case note on Newdow v. California by next Friday to get onto Law Review and make myself really attractive to giant law firms. (cue Homer Simpson voice) Mmmm... selling your soul to the devil.
Drinking whiskey out of jelly jars-- does that say "creativity," "poverty," or "alcoholism?" Four law students in New Orleans eagerly await your answer.
Speaking of which, class rankings came out and suddenly I'm far more employable than I ever imagined. Now I just have to finish writing a good, 20-page case note on Newdow v. California by next Friday to get onto Law Review and make myself really attractive to giant law firms. (cue Homer Simpson voice) Mmmm... selling your soul to the devil.
What's weird about Greece now is that they're taking all these ruins that have been lying about and standing them up again (still in pieces, but, well, cleaner and more upright). I can't get used to my old neighborhood anymore.
You know, despite all the fun I had at C of C, my one regret is that I somehow missed every chance I had to visit the Big Easy with my student friends.