I have had it up to here with rich white people. Sure, they buy a lot of shit that contributes to the economy, and that's fine, I have no problem with that. My problem with them is that they are full of SHIT. And not the brown poopy kind, that kind is a natural human process. I speak of BULLSHIT, ladies and gentlement, and not the kind that falls out of cows. Big brown flaming piles of misappropriated opinions and misexerted authority are the issue. In particular as they apply to Christmas, most especially in Colorado.
A Colorado subdivision homeowner's association recently threatened to fine a woman $25 per day for every day that she keeps her Christmas wreath in full display. Surely this is part of the Satanist Left's attempt to destroy the holiday spirit! This is a perfect example of the Liberals' war on Christmas that Bill O'Reilly has spoken of time and time again! One would think so, right? If they're forcing this woman to remove her wreath, surely they would rather string Jesus up by his nails and beat him with a Menora than celebrate his birth! The thing is, the wreath is shaped like a peace sign.

That's right: A Colorado subdivision is forcing a woman to take down her wreath because it is the shape of a PEACE SIGN. Somehow, the notion of peace on Earth, which is coincidentally one of the premier teachings of Christ, offends this group of uptight rich white Conservatives. Some homeowners have objected to the wreath on the basis that it appears to be an anti-Iraq war protest. Well golly gee gosh, Mr Wilson, those filthy liberal flamers and their freedom of speech are going to destroy America. We must stop them before thousands of lives are saved! Other homeowners have complained to their cult leader that the peace sign is a sign of Satan -- SATAN! Peace, a teaching of Jesus, is a Satanist principle? Fuck me. Obviously, this Jew-loving whore of Satan is on a quest to destroy the world, one American soldier at a time.
The war on Christmas has taken a severe turn, Americans! Now it has even claimed the essential American principle of Freedom of Speech! It has engulfed the once prominent Christian teaching of peace between nations! What next? Will the war on Christmas by those God-hating skinhead hippies destroy the ever-important Christian right to own modified AK-47 assault rifles? WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
I have had it up to here with rich white people. Sure, they buy a lot of shit that contributes to the economy, and that's fine, I have no problem with that. My problem with them is that they are full of SHIT. And not the brown poopy kind, that kind is a natural human process. I speak of BULLSHIT, ladies and gentlement, and not the kind that falls out of cows. Big brown flaming piles of misappropriated opinions and misexerted authority are the issue. In particular as they apply to Christmas, most especially in Colorado.
A Colorado subdivision homeowner's association recently threatened to fine a woman $25 per day for every day that she keeps her Christmas wreath in full display. Surely this is part of the Satanist Left's attempt to destroy the holiday spirit! This is a perfect example of the Liberals' war on Christmas that Bill O'Reilly has spoken of time and time again! One would think so, right? If they're forcing this woman to remove her wreath, surely they would rather string Jesus up by his nails and beat him with a Menora than celebrate his birth! The thing is, the wreath is shaped like a peace sign.

That's right: A Colorado subdivision is forcing a woman to take down her wreath because it is the shape of a PEACE SIGN. Somehow, the notion of peace on Earth, which is coincidentally one of the premier teachings of Christ, offends this group of uptight rich white Conservatives. Some homeowners have objected to the wreath on the basis that it appears to be an anti-Iraq war protest. Well golly gee gosh, Mr Wilson, those filthy liberal flamers and their freedom of speech are going to destroy America. We must stop them before thousands of lives are saved! Other homeowners have complained to their cult leader that the peace sign is a sign of Satan -- SATAN! Peace, a teaching of Jesus, is a Satanist principle? Fuck me. Obviously, this Jew-loving whore of Satan is on a quest to destroy the world, one American soldier at a time.
The war on Christmas has taken a severe turn, Americans! Now it has even claimed the essential American principle of Freedom of Speech! It has engulfed the once prominent Christian teaching of peace between nations! What next? Will the war on Christmas by those God-hating skinhead hippies destroy the ever-important Christian right to own modified AK-47 assault rifles? WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
please, please show some love for my neighbor and friend, the gfine young senator from IL, who is different and will listen and try to mend fences while he reinstates some of the damage done by the RETARD & cronies
even if he has to play the game to get there