Fuck Brady Quinn.
Fuck Notre Dame. That's the first thing to realize. Throw Brady Quinn's smug, frat boy face out of the equation for a second, and you're left with the school he attended. A Catholic mysoginst institution, so full of its own smug self-importance that it can't even join a national conference. They sit alone, the only major D-1 institution that's not in a...
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Fuck Notre Dame. That's the first thing to realize. Throw Brady Quinn's smug, frat boy face out of the equation for a second, and you're left with the school he attended. A Catholic mysoginst institution, so full of its own smug self-importance that it can't even join a national conference. They sit alone, the only major D-1 institution that's not in a...
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Addendum: The Browns are pussies.
From The Onion:
Garden State Some Poor Fuck's Favorite Movie
LOS ANGELES--Despite the existence of cinema classics such as Citizen Kane, The Godfather, and Seven Samurai, the 2004 film Garden State starring Zach Braff and Natalie Portman is some poor fuck's favorite movie, according to a posting on imdb.com.
"I thought the interplay between the main characters was beautiful, and the soundtrack was...
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Garden State Some Poor Fuck's Favorite Movie
LOS ANGELES--Despite the existence of cinema classics such as Citizen Kane, The Godfather, and Seven Samurai, the 2004 film Garden State starring Zach Braff and Natalie Portman is some poor fuck's favorite movie, according to a posting on imdb.com.
"I thought the interplay between the main characters was beautiful, and the soundtrack was...
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All done on microsoft paint
Spent Earth Day wandering around the East Side, especially Riverside Park. God bless Gaylord Nelson. Remember to recycle, follks.
thats awesome, smoking sucks, but I can't bring myself to quit

yeh i agree :p x
65 degrees. 72 tomorrow. I'm in heaven. The lake view is hazy from my room, otherwise I'd just stare at it all day.
it's 72 here right now; and it's absolutely gorgeous out!!
Heard about it in the news. Very sad...
How was your weekend?
How was your weekend?
Did the same. Except, played oblivion on ps3.
Got laid today; it's been over a month. She was into biting, which was good, haven't had a kink in the sex life for a long time. Feel much better.
hahah well done!!

Lucky you!! Lucky woman as well
Oh, and to answer your shaving question...shave it all baby

Oh, and to answer your shaving question...shave it all baby

I shaved today, for the first time in like, two months. w00t.
That rules! 

hahaha nice one!
As of now, plans are in the baby stages to study abroad in England, most likely second semester of Sophomore year, or first semester of Junior year. My only concern would be the film programs there, as that's about when I plan to start getting serious about film, after all my GER and Letters & Sciences requirements are out of the way. We'll see.
Front Line Assembly will be at The Rave on May 11th. So for all the Milwaukee members on my list, make a mental note -- or just buy tickets. If you're 21, you can buy me booze. Eh? EH? But yeah, get back to me if you plan on going.
I look forward to sex acts in the bathroom again.
I look forward to sex acts in the bathroom again.
Well, hello. It's not a lie... I'm really 30, but I held up pretty well.

This blog exists because the last one was made in November. I really wish I was drunk right now.
well that would make two of us... wishing i was drunk too
but i have left the house twice in 2 weeks due to a head injury (more details in blogs if you care to check up)
i went to dinner once... and just got back from the mall... had to talk to my boss and tell her i wont be in for a few more weeks... and then picked up some stuff i had on hold...
but anyways... good times... hope all is well!
but i have left the house twice in 2 weeks due to a head injury (more details in blogs if you care to check up)
i went to dinner once... and just got back from the mall... had to talk to my boss and tell her i wont be in for a few more weeks... and then picked up some stuff i had on hold...
but anyways... good times... hope all is well!
i was really drunk when you wrote this. nyah.
I have had it up to here with rich white people. Sure, they buy a lot of shit that contributes to the economy, and that's fine, I have no problem with that. My problem with them is that they are full of SHIT. And not the brown poopy kind, that kind is a natural human process. I speak of BULLSHIT, ladies and...
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I have had it up to here with rich white people. Sure, they buy a lot of shit that contributes to the economy, and that's fine, I have no problem with that. My problem with them is that they are full of SHIT. And not the brown poopy kind, that kind is a natural human process. I speak of BULLSHIT, ladies and...
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I'm loving your response to the Dennis K. blog by fear the reaper.... but PUHleeze do not decide not to vote or to throw it away on some marginalized candidate. the 2 party system SUCKS ASS but we cannot let Guiliani in (NYer here who remembers).
please, please show some love for my neighbor and friend, the gfine young senator from IL, who is different and will listen and try to mend fences while he reinstates some of the damage done by the RETARD & cronies
even if he has to play the game to get there
please, please show some love for my neighbor and friend, the gfine young senator from IL, who is different and will listen and try to mend fences while he reinstates some of the damage done by the RETARD & cronies
even if he has to play the game to get there

one day i'm going to figure out what that means