Suprisingly enough I havent been bounced from this website yet
could not really say why, as previously mentioned it comes as some what of an unexplainable why?
I suppose i do pay every three months and by some chance its an off month for collecting rent
speaking of which, it is abundantly clear on the dry erase board below the floor boards of my room, painted with a temporary tattoo stating just so, 4 days tp go til another check is do
ah where is sam wise when you need someone to remove the sliver of doubt painfully lodged between my heart and kidneys
could be my stomach is just acting up
unlike the rest of my self molested frame
it seems decided on enjoying the possibilities of acid reflux
dont give up
its grey today spiders are in search edible stuff
no point in editing what I say
could not really say why, as previously mentioned it comes as some what of an unexplainable why?
I suppose i do pay every three months and by some chance its an off month for collecting rent
speaking of which, it is abundantly clear on the dry erase board below the floor boards of my room, painted with a temporary tattoo stating just so, 4 days tp go til another check is do
ah where is sam wise when you need someone to remove the sliver of doubt painfully lodged between my heart and kidneys
could be my stomach is just acting up
unlike the rest of my self molested frame
it seems decided on enjoying the possibilities of acid reflux
dont give up
its grey today spiders are in search edible stuff
no point in editing what I say