under a blanket of lights I'm dying to speak freely
-fasting verbally, avoiding the disease of communication
wonder why there are so many people eager to take a peak at my presentation before its prepared
-celebrate the process of filtering out trans fatty acid, you know is like making kool aide in your sleep
what was the point to this demonstration
-to see how long I can stand on my own two feet
am I not a monstrosity of ironic genius design
-pimping pop culture to redirect your gaze from my frankenstien like maze of sparingly stitched patches of identity
god save my spare change for the homeless and illiterate
-bring the government under charges of fraud.
four dollar ice cream
-I wonder what Stone Cold Steve Austin was thinking trying to steo into the ring with dairy queen
-failure will bring absolute honesty, hiring and firing the world will continue to draw
she was neither milk or honey
-my favorite ex fiance sent me my tax forms and a casual invite to coffee. "ps my number is the same" shall I strap my memory to the rack. torture, interrogation, guantanomo bay procedure. trying to recall it or drink moon shine out of jar to obliderate that function of
my brain, funny there is no return address on this thing..
mid day manhatten via iowa city sky ways, take whats left
-I fail to follow that comparison to our fair city
I simply chose it as a lead in to the back door
what you see
-help me rhonda , brain wilson composed out of his but hole. the man is outstanding.
idea sans ability
-well you can always say, thats not what its about
-fasting verbally, avoiding the disease of communication
wonder why there are so many people eager to take a peak at my presentation before its prepared
-celebrate the process of filtering out trans fatty acid, you know is like making kool aide in your sleep
what was the point to this demonstration
-to see how long I can stand on my own two feet
am I not a monstrosity of ironic genius design
-pimping pop culture to redirect your gaze from my frankenstien like maze of sparingly stitched patches of identity
god save my spare change for the homeless and illiterate
-bring the government under charges of fraud.
four dollar ice cream
-I wonder what Stone Cold Steve Austin was thinking trying to steo into the ring with dairy queen
-failure will bring absolute honesty, hiring and firing the world will continue to draw
she was neither milk or honey
-my favorite ex fiance sent me my tax forms and a casual invite to coffee. "ps my number is the same" shall I strap my memory to the rack. torture, interrogation, guantanomo bay procedure. trying to recall it or drink moon shine out of jar to obliderate that function of
my brain, funny there is no return address on this thing..
mid day manhatten via iowa city sky ways, take whats left
-I fail to follow that comparison to our fair city
I simply chose it as a lead in to the back door
what you see
-help me rhonda , brain wilson composed out of his but hole. the man is outstanding.
idea sans ability
-well you can always say, thats not what its about
If I were a 15th-level
^-- that should be a ghost, but with their arbitrary selection of emoticons as well as the graphic fuzzy-ambiguity of said emoticons, i trust your interpretations of these events did not fail or betray you.