So, my ex wife called child protective services on me. To make it simple and quick they are now focusing their investigation on her.
So, this all started because she wanted to take them out of school so she could take hem to get their hair done. As you could imagine I told her that it was not possible and I wasn't going to let her take hem out for that. So she goes on a very long rant with many choice words for me and lets me know that she is going to be calling CPS on me. Now, being insulted by her is nothing new to me so I just keep my tongue, let her rant and give no response. But, much to my surprise an employee of social services comes to my door today.
Let me paint you a little picture. When she arrived at the door my roommate answered it. I didn't hear the door because I was napping with my daughters and I don't keep my cochlear implant in when I sleep (The blast that took my limbs also took my hearing. I'm completely deaf but hear with a cochlear implant now). So, when she comes in to a "negligent" home (one of the complaints) she is confronted with a daddy that was napping with her girls because one has a cold and the other is four so she still gets naps. I could tell she was immediately incredulous of the claim. We sat down at the dinner table where she went through the complaints. Now, by law she cannot divulge the identity of the complainant but I have a text from my ex stating she was going to file a complaint so I can take a guess.
One of the complaints is that the house is filthy and unfit to live. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The floors are free of debris, clean and pine fresh. Lucky for me, when one throws out allegations one must also support them with the truth. Another complaint is that the girls "stink" and don't bathe. Again, bold faced lie. But, I assume that since my daughters don't reek of weed, like their mother, that soap could be misconstrued as stink. If it was just an allegation on paper I wouldn't care. But the problem lies in the fact that she tells my daughters these things. How in the living fuck do you tell a nine and four year old little girl that she stinks. Who does these things?!
Next, my favorite complaint. That I cut their hair.... Really? That's a complaint? Yeah, I know. But again it ties in to her horribleness. At the beginning of the school year I cut their hair significantly shorter. My daughters have really really curly hair. It becomes very difficult for them to manage (and me, having only one hand) and my oldest was just sick of it. It was down to her waist (when it was wet. otherwise it curls around her shoulders) and I had it cut to shoulder length. She loved it,I loved it, it was a beautiful haircut. Cue the witch. When their mother picked them up for her weekend (which doesn't happen regularly) my oldest comes to the door with great pride, enthusiasm and spirit.
"Mommy, look at my hair. Do you like it?"
"Oh my God, I hate it. What did you do to your hair? It's so ugly."
I've never wanted to beat someone to death so bad in my life. And I've been to war! Twice! I really can't talk about this more in a coherent manner. What a horrible horrible human being.
I'm sorry, I'm quite enraged. I can't type much more. To sum it up I informed the social worker of their mothers drug and alcohol abuse. The mom's verbal and physical altercations with her mother. And....
I know what you're thinking. There is no way that this woman could be any worse of a mother. With everything she has said to these girls it can't be worse. Please oh please, Luis, quit stalling and tell us if its worse.
And informed the social worker of the time they were in NY and their mother had them panhandling at the subway stops. "No!" you say. "There's no way she would do that. You're making it up." Oh, sweet innocent child, I wish I was. How do I know, you ask? Well, she posted a picture of the girls singing on a karaoke machine (That I had bought my daughters who in turn gifted it to their mother) at a subway stop, a man leaning down to put money in a hat, and she typed on the description "My babies making made bank". So, I printed up the twitter post and handed it to the social worker.
So, what started as a complaint against me has turned in to an investigation on her.