Listening to the Setting Maul biggrin Very awesome!!!skull
smile thanks how've you been lately ?
No problem! I am doing better, finally done with physical therapy biggrin Now to find a job.... lol How about you?
I am enjoying the Lake of the Ozarks right now! biggrin I got an email about my account today, so if you reactivated my account, THANK YOU!!! skull
R.I.P. 1SG Christopher D. Coffin, KIA Baghdad Iraq, July 1st 2003. 1SG, you are missed


skull SSG Houstonskull
I broke down and got a new phone yesterday, an LG Ally powered with Android (Whatever the hell that is). It proved to me just how out of the loop on technology that I had become during my little yearlong sojourn to the desert. I love the phone, its a better GPS than my Garmin!!!!! The texting on it isn't bad either smileskull
Meeting with the National Guard Recruiter in a few hours, by next week I aught to be in the National Guard, and be on my way to being a Lieutenant by the end of the Summer!!!skull
Fuck ITT Tech!!!!! Don't anybody else go there or provide them business!!! I love it when I don't get any notice that my Academic Support Coordinator was let go, nothing, just operating in a vacuum! And the idiot on the phone had to sound off with dumbass comments, thats the worst thing you could do to me in that situation, because I will feel compelled...
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I have been in the Army a while. Last week marks eight years. Seems like forever ago I was a scrawny 17 year old idealistic kid with something to prove. Now, I am a Combat Veteran of two Wars, with two tours, in two theaters. I just graduated from College too. With all of these accomplishments, there are a few things that really set me...
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Lol, for a good place you gotta come down to VA. Pev's out here and a little farther west has a great open area to play in. Like an urban village layout. My team, although we haven't played in forever is/was made up or a majority of Combat Veterans, so we play a little more aggressively in terms of tactics and firepower, i.e. we bring a serious amount of paint to bear on whereever we see the other team, lol. Then two of us get behind them and its over! lolskull
Hey! Cheers for your comment on my set smile
Is it weird to not be able to sleep at all since getting back? This is the start of my first real week home in a year and a half, but my sleep cycle sucks... Grrrrrrrskull
Home at last from a retarded year in Iraq biggrinskull
Home at last from a retarded year in Iraq biggrinskull
Welcome home! smile
Thank you! It just feels weird I guess to be back.