november 16th.... 2007 C.E.
Current mood: bouncy
i'm working at job corps on the army base..... i'm a social development residential advisor..... basically i work from 3 to midnight in the dormotory... i make fun of ghetto kids ....and i get paid to do it... it's an amazing job.. it's seriously perfect for me... it's taking a toll on my school and private life though.. but it's worth it.... great benefits... full tuition reembersment! shitty thing is it's quite the drive.. and sense i started i havn't made it to jujitsu.. i never miss jujitsu! im kinda sick right now.. this coming week.. i'll make all the morning classes.. until my schedule changes im going to be making nothing but morning classes.... after december i'll be able to work out with the judo kids and night classes again on wednesdays..... until then im just trying to get everything settled... i'm looking to move to greenwood... first appartment.. i'm kinda retarded as to the whole process... but im excited about it.... i'm talking to the cats over at the modern gladiator gym..... im interested in the brazilian jujitsu and the mma classes.... problem is with the work schedule i'd be fucked for the later classes... and the mma classes are the same time as the morning jujitsu classes over at mudokwan..... so heres' how it'd go...
monday morning mma
tuesday morning school
wednesday morning jujitsu
thursday morning school
friday morning jujitsu
saturday morning mma
im a busy man.. plus i've got to start getting serious about training for that mini.. i havn't really ran since the 5k.. and im feeling the pain.... everytime i have a major change in life i get all fucked up with my schedule... no more excuses though.. im back to running tomarrow morning.. and monday im back in jujitsu... i'm suppose to be going for my brown belt.. and im looking an ass for missing a week
so katie's getting married... and i'm happy for the girl.. the guy seems to be pretty much perfect for her... we started talking.... and i got the opportunity to say a lot of things i needed to... it's kind of funny how as i started talking my whole perception kind of changed.. or maybe i already knew it i was just saying it i dunno.. point is.. i was far from fair to the girl... nto saying she was an angel at all... but honestly the majority of our problems were my fault... mostly rooted in the insecurities i had about us moving ....... i don't do long distance well at all... i have enough issues making it work with short distance...
anyway.. im happy im talking to the girl... she's a great person to have as a friend
now taylor... im dating taylor.. she's a great girl... we havn't been dating long... things are pretty strained right now with us... she's working im working.. we only get to see eachother in school and tuesday nights.... kinda shitty... i think we're fighting right now... i don't know about what.. but do i ever?
i kind of wanna be robocop
i really have to get back to jujitsu... and running this week i've felt like such ass... granted i've been sick.. but still
so all sociology journals are due.... i have a history test due.... i have a history paper due.. and i have a sociology paper due... that's a whole lot of fucking work... worse thing is i don't have the history test.. i have to get ahold of troy or caitlin to get it
today is pay day! i can actually pay my car insurance.. purchase gas!!!!! and i owe my co worker two dinners... yup ..
if my students don't act like ass i'll buy them all pizza... but thats a big if
Currently watching :
The Karate Kid Collection (Four Film Set)
Release date: 01 February, 2005
1:21 PM - 3 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Monday, October 29, 2007
wow.. today has been stressful... shitty.... and weird
10:40 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
and a blah
officially quit my job today.. didn't go well at all.. i've quit my share of jobs... this one was horrid.. the job itself was horrible... i put my notice in and she was not having it.. she was flat out pissed... anyway.. thats out of the way now.. so i'll have a really awkward day of work wednesday then i'm done.... i'm suppose to go skydiving this sunday.. i really hope i can... i'm looking at my funds and it's not looking super promising...
robs party was the other night.. it was a lot of fun... things were awkward at first.. lots of people i didn't know.. some i didn't care to... my sisters didn't arrive till pretty late.. my grandfather seemed to have a good time... after my sisters arrived things got better.. we drank a little bit... played some pool... i was super tired the whole day cause i had just gotten off work... the girls ended up leaving midnightish? and i hung around with rob, deana, and ken... we talked.. and drank.. i ended up going to bed around 3 or 4ish.. i woke up at 5 wearing the same clothes and headed up to work... running off an hour of sleep i was dragging ass bad for the first hour or two.. then i took one of those 5 hour energy shots.. the ones with 2000 percent b12 or whatever... and yea.. it worked and then some.. i didn't crash either.. i wouldn't make a habit of it but the shit worked.. the work day was like any other.. intresting.. kinda fun.. and shitty... made it home around nine... yup...
im starting the RA deal officially this coming monday.... i'm a little excited.. however i'm not excited about the wait till that first pay check.. especially if i do this skydiving deal..
i'll be up for my brown belt around christmas time.. looking forward to that.. .. school's going well-ish.. i've slacked a whole lot this semester.. i blame my lack of motovation on everything.. i've spent the whole semester worrying too much about money and working.. and blah blah.. so it's been kinda hard and kinda lame....
ok.. lots of catch up homework to do for tomarrow.. so i'll get started.. i'm at school now... hopefully i can get the majority of the shit done before jujitsu tonight
1:11 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, October 26, 2007
....they call me chip
i chipped my tooth today... rolling with javier... i caught a knee.. it was pretty bad.. it's not noticable or anything.. i freaked out abit when it happened... i swallowed the thing and it felt huge... now my bottom incisor? is a little too sharp.. i chipped the back of it... kinda hurts.. just really feels weird...
lots of new stuff going down... but i'll blurb about that nonsense later...
8:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, October 06, 2007
so... i just woke up
i had a nightmare... but it was the most retarded nightmare of all fucking time... and i'm mad at myself for having it..... i was trying to put on a white tshirt.... but i couldn't get my head through the hole... i kept checking to make sure it wasn't the arm sleave i was putting it through but it wasn't... both the sleaves were wider than the fucking head hole.. and i kept trying and trying and trying... the whole time i was trying i was getting bugged for rent.....
2:15 PM - 7 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, September 08, 2007
victory.... kinda? not at all disabling comments on this one... i think i already know what cats wanna say...
well .. katie.. yea the katie.... contacted me today.. a lttle out of nowhere.. she decided to give me back my yahoo account.. silly right? a year later... i mean i dont exactly miss the thing anymore.. but i am happy to have it back... which means i've also got my suicide girls account back.. something i've missed as of late... ..
we talked for a very short amount of time... i tried being funny.. she tried being funny.. we both failed.. honestly it was a little awkward
when i signed into my yahoo im i was bombarded by a rediculous amount of late im's.. slightly funny.. can't say it was anything important
thats it.. just thought i'd fill the fans in
11:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Edit - Remove
Friday, September 07, 2007
its time for a new one
allrighty... where to start..
ok well school has started.. my schedule is as so.. history.. sociology.. english and math... not too much homework is kicking my ass a lil bit.. i've managed to make some school friends... i've got my crazy army hippie kid and ditzy hilarious blonde chick in history... i've got my preppy high pitched voice girl in soc... english i've got my row.. and math i've got my short ghetto kid... what more could i possibly want? i'm lucky enough to have a good deal of witty people in every class.....
hmm.. i really dont have shit to update on..
my sisters are back in school.. so i totally miss them.. life heres been pretty good to me... i'm getting over my initial regrets of moving back to indy... having a car is a part of that.. allthough i'd still rather live in a place where i didn't need one...
my mom and dave had a labor day party... it was pretty surprising to see my sisters there... i'm happy they drove down to hang out... this was the first time i really got to hang out with or talk to jackie.. she's an amazing girl.. totally glad she's my sister.. we played pool volley ball and ate ... after the girls left i hung out with jackie and her friend for a while... talking to them made me seriously want to go to wesleyan... just such positive and wholesome type people... after daves party i headed over to deana's mom's ... i've never been there before.. i was really surprised by how nice it was... nice everyting.. i dont know why it was in my head that they still lived in that old neighborhood..
i had a good time...
i'm suppose to go to the tibbs drive-in this weekend that should be fun.. it's been foooorever since i've been to a drive in.. it'll be just like grease!
9:18 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, August 18, 2007
a race away from domestic violence
today was the 5k... deana did great! she was all super excited to do another one... i hope she does
as for myself... i did good... or rather i did as expected... started off slow ((following rob's advice)) then i picked it up a lot after the first mile... it was nice because no one was passing me.. i spent the entire time passing everyone else.... but it was really hard to force myself to run so slow at the beginning...
i finished 28:25 which is about what i've been running 9 minute 12 second miles.. the only thing that bothers me is i know i was running it in 20 minutes in the marine corps.. so i totally know i can do better.. i got an award.. i finished 3rd place in my age group... 20-24.. so thats kinda neat... 10 dollars at the running company...
i'm really hoping to do a lot better at my next run.. i need to actually train for it... cause i was only running like 2 times a week for this one...
next i want to do another 5 k.. then i want to do a 10 k.. then i want to just keep with the 10 k's until my mini... i've got a whole lot of training ahead... so we'll see how it goes...
financial aid is still being a bit of a bitch... i'm cutting it real close but i'm staying on their asses... worse comes to worse i'll have to drop my classes and retake them next semester
that wouldnt' be the end of the world.. maybe i could just keep a class or something pay for it out of pocket and do the rest.. only shitty thing is then i'd have to pay my loan off
5:47 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
unlimited local and long distance
ok so this past weekend i spent the night at rob and deanas.... we woke up pretty crazy early to pick up uncle bill and head off to muncie.. rob was running the half iron man..... just before our arrival rob got us stuck in a ditch.. i thought i'd endup trying to push his huge ass truck out of it but luckily for us the guy has 4 wheel drive... after we arrived at our lil are rob ran over one of those metal grills poking up out of the ground.. most parks have them.. didn't hurt his truck to bad.. but he defianntly killed the grill..... as always everything was started off with a swim.. it was freezing out... then they did the bike thing... then the run... i really do enjoy going to these lil dealies... deana made lots of food.. and i ate way too much of it... rob and deana's friends and running partners heather and edwardo -w- wife and kid.. were all there... i've never really talked to either of them for an extended period of time.. they're all good people.... edwardo has his funny moments... and he has his uncle bill moments... funny thing is the two of them compliment eachother well... talked to heather and edwardo ((i really feel like i'm spelling the kids name wrong)) about being a teacher.. and about running.... and blah blah... it was a lot of fun..... at one point as we were waiting to spot rob on his transition from biking to running a weird slightly annoying little girl came over to us and played with E's daughter..... she ended up brushing heathers hair with her fingers a couple times.. you could totally tell heather wasn't really feeling it... this kid ended up just hopping onto my lap and playing with my arms.. not going to lie.. a lil weird.. but whatever.. kids are kids she made fun of my hello kitty tattoo.. told me to take it off and blah blah... got a laugh out of the surrounding cats.... all in all it was a good day.... rob did a good job on his time... we all went and visited mom and dave on sunday.. he looks a lot better than the last time i saw him... still no one seems to know whats really going on though... so thats a lil scarey hope the guy comes through all this... the girls broke it to mom and dave that they quit.... i guess mom gave them a good finger waggering and a speech... rob wasn't too happy with it all so we ended up cutting out... saw grandma bunny... she's looked the same for thirty years now.... sat around and talked.... i think thats it... pretty eventful weekend for myself... ooooh i shelled out the dough for the indianapolis mini marathon... 70 dollars? what the hell.. 13.1 miles.. farther than i've ever ran at once in my life... gotta start training for that.. my 5k is coming up... havn't trained at all like i wanted to... i've got to run tonight.. no matter what.... i was going to hit up the gym but i'm thinking about hitting up dicks sporting goods instead... get some glide and what not... wash some clothes... i'll get a workout in today.. it just wont be anything amazing.... i think thats it for me.. i'm outy
1:16 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Thursday, July 12, 2007
semester set
hit up ivy tech today... took care of my registration and my bullshit "f" they fucked the paperwork up... all is squared away now though... i was going to take some education classes... but they don't fit in with the other classes i'm taking.. so i'm sticking with general stuff again... sociology... math.. english... world civilization... fancy for history... can't wait to start school back up.. couldn't look at the books... the bookstore won't know what books the teachers will use till around the 20th...
spent an hour talking to a very cute small town girl... alice? was her name? she's going to ivy tech down in bloomington.. apparently you can live in the iu dorm if you do that.. so i'm totally going to check into that....
9:23 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Current mood: bouncy
i'm working at job corps on the army base..... i'm a social development residential advisor..... basically i work from 3 to midnight in the dormotory... i make fun of ghetto kids ....and i get paid to do it... it's an amazing job.. it's seriously perfect for me... it's taking a toll on my school and private life though.. but it's worth it.... great benefits... full tuition reembersment! shitty thing is it's quite the drive.. and sense i started i havn't made it to jujitsu.. i never miss jujitsu! im kinda sick right now.. this coming week.. i'll make all the morning classes.. until my schedule changes im going to be making nothing but morning classes.... after december i'll be able to work out with the judo kids and night classes again on wednesdays..... until then im just trying to get everything settled... i'm looking to move to greenwood... first appartment.. i'm kinda retarded as to the whole process... but im excited about it.... i'm talking to the cats over at the modern gladiator gym..... im interested in the brazilian jujitsu and the mma classes.... problem is with the work schedule i'd be fucked for the later classes... and the mma classes are the same time as the morning jujitsu classes over at mudokwan..... so heres' how it'd go...
monday morning mma
tuesday morning school
wednesday morning jujitsu
thursday morning school
friday morning jujitsu
saturday morning mma
im a busy man.. plus i've got to start getting serious about training for that mini.. i havn't really ran since the 5k.. and im feeling the pain.... everytime i have a major change in life i get all fucked up with my schedule... no more excuses though.. im back to running tomarrow morning.. and monday im back in jujitsu... i'm suppose to be going for my brown belt.. and im looking an ass for missing a week
so katie's getting married... and i'm happy for the girl.. the guy seems to be pretty much perfect for her... we started talking.... and i got the opportunity to say a lot of things i needed to... it's kind of funny how as i started talking my whole perception kind of changed.. or maybe i already knew it i was just saying it i dunno.. point is.. i was far from fair to the girl... nto saying she was an angel at all... but honestly the majority of our problems were my fault... mostly rooted in the insecurities i had about us moving ....... i don't do long distance well at all... i have enough issues making it work with short distance...
anyway.. im happy im talking to the girl... she's a great person to have as a friend
now taylor... im dating taylor.. she's a great girl... we havn't been dating long... things are pretty strained right now with us... she's working im working.. we only get to see eachother in school and tuesday nights.... kinda shitty... i think we're fighting right now... i don't know about what.. but do i ever?
i kind of wanna be robocop
i really have to get back to jujitsu... and running this week i've felt like such ass... granted i've been sick.. but still
so all sociology journals are due.... i have a history test due.... i have a history paper due.. and i have a sociology paper due... that's a whole lot of fucking work... worse thing is i don't have the history test.. i have to get ahold of troy or caitlin to get it
today is pay day! i can actually pay my car insurance.. purchase gas!!!!! and i owe my co worker two dinners... yup ..
if my students don't act like ass i'll buy them all pizza... but thats a big if
Currently watching :
The Karate Kid Collection (Four Film Set)
Release date: 01 February, 2005
1:21 PM - 3 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Monday, October 29, 2007
wow.. today has been stressful... shitty.... and weird
10:40 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
and a blah
officially quit my job today.. didn't go well at all.. i've quit my share of jobs... this one was horrid.. the job itself was horrible... i put my notice in and she was not having it.. she was flat out pissed... anyway.. thats out of the way now.. so i'll have a really awkward day of work wednesday then i'm done.... i'm suppose to go skydiving this sunday.. i really hope i can... i'm looking at my funds and it's not looking super promising...
robs party was the other night.. it was a lot of fun... things were awkward at first.. lots of people i didn't know.. some i didn't care to... my sisters didn't arrive till pretty late.. my grandfather seemed to have a good time... after my sisters arrived things got better.. we drank a little bit... played some pool... i was super tired the whole day cause i had just gotten off work... the girls ended up leaving midnightish? and i hung around with rob, deana, and ken... we talked.. and drank.. i ended up going to bed around 3 or 4ish.. i woke up at 5 wearing the same clothes and headed up to work... running off an hour of sleep i was dragging ass bad for the first hour or two.. then i took one of those 5 hour energy shots.. the ones with 2000 percent b12 or whatever... and yea.. it worked and then some.. i didn't crash either.. i wouldn't make a habit of it but the shit worked.. the work day was like any other.. intresting.. kinda fun.. and shitty... made it home around nine... yup...
im starting the RA deal officially this coming monday.... i'm a little excited.. however i'm not excited about the wait till that first pay check.. especially if i do this skydiving deal..
i'll be up for my brown belt around christmas time.. looking forward to that.. .. school's going well-ish.. i've slacked a whole lot this semester.. i blame my lack of motovation on everything.. i've spent the whole semester worrying too much about money and working.. and blah blah.. so it's been kinda hard and kinda lame....
ok.. lots of catch up homework to do for tomarrow.. so i'll get started.. i'm at school now... hopefully i can get the majority of the shit done before jujitsu tonight
1:11 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, October 26, 2007
....they call me chip
i chipped my tooth today... rolling with javier... i caught a knee.. it was pretty bad.. it's not noticable or anything.. i freaked out abit when it happened... i swallowed the thing and it felt huge... now my bottom incisor? is a little too sharp.. i chipped the back of it... kinda hurts.. just really feels weird...
lots of new stuff going down... but i'll blurb about that nonsense later...
8:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, October 06, 2007
so... i just woke up
i had a nightmare... but it was the most retarded nightmare of all fucking time... and i'm mad at myself for having it..... i was trying to put on a white tshirt.... but i couldn't get my head through the hole... i kept checking to make sure it wasn't the arm sleave i was putting it through but it wasn't... both the sleaves were wider than the fucking head hole.. and i kept trying and trying and trying... the whole time i was trying i was getting bugged for rent.....
2:15 PM - 7 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, September 08, 2007
victory.... kinda? not at all disabling comments on this one... i think i already know what cats wanna say...
well .. katie.. yea the katie.... contacted me today.. a lttle out of nowhere.. she decided to give me back my yahoo account.. silly right? a year later... i mean i dont exactly miss the thing anymore.. but i am happy to have it back... which means i've also got my suicide girls account back.. something i've missed as of late... ..
we talked for a very short amount of time... i tried being funny.. she tried being funny.. we both failed.. honestly it was a little awkward
when i signed into my yahoo im i was bombarded by a rediculous amount of late im's.. slightly funny.. can't say it was anything important
thats it.. just thought i'd fill the fans in
11:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Edit - Remove
Friday, September 07, 2007
its time for a new one
allrighty... where to start..
ok well school has started.. my schedule is as so.. history.. sociology.. english and math... not too much homework is kicking my ass a lil bit.. i've managed to make some school friends... i've got my crazy army hippie kid and ditzy hilarious blonde chick in history... i've got my preppy high pitched voice girl in soc... english i've got my row.. and math i've got my short ghetto kid... what more could i possibly want? i'm lucky enough to have a good deal of witty people in every class.....
hmm.. i really dont have shit to update on..
my sisters are back in school.. so i totally miss them.. life heres been pretty good to me... i'm getting over my initial regrets of moving back to indy... having a car is a part of that.. allthough i'd still rather live in a place where i didn't need one...
my mom and dave had a labor day party... it was pretty surprising to see my sisters there... i'm happy they drove down to hang out... this was the first time i really got to hang out with or talk to jackie.. she's an amazing girl.. totally glad she's my sister.. we played pool volley ball and ate ... after the girls left i hung out with jackie and her friend for a while... talking to them made me seriously want to go to wesleyan... just such positive and wholesome type people... after daves party i headed over to deana's mom's ... i've never been there before.. i was really surprised by how nice it was... nice everyting.. i dont know why it was in my head that they still lived in that old neighborhood..
i had a good time...
i'm suppose to go to the tibbs drive-in this weekend that should be fun.. it's been foooorever since i've been to a drive in.. it'll be just like grease!
9:18 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, August 18, 2007
a race away from domestic violence
today was the 5k... deana did great! she was all super excited to do another one... i hope she does
as for myself... i did good... or rather i did as expected... started off slow ((following rob's advice)) then i picked it up a lot after the first mile... it was nice because no one was passing me.. i spent the entire time passing everyone else.... but it was really hard to force myself to run so slow at the beginning...
i finished 28:25 which is about what i've been running 9 minute 12 second miles.. the only thing that bothers me is i know i was running it in 20 minutes in the marine corps.. so i totally know i can do better.. i got an award.. i finished 3rd place in my age group... 20-24.. so thats kinda neat... 10 dollars at the running company...
i'm really hoping to do a lot better at my next run.. i need to actually train for it... cause i was only running like 2 times a week for this one...
next i want to do another 5 k.. then i want to do a 10 k.. then i want to just keep with the 10 k's until my mini... i've got a whole lot of training ahead... so we'll see how it goes...
financial aid is still being a bit of a bitch... i'm cutting it real close but i'm staying on their asses... worse comes to worse i'll have to drop my classes and retake them next semester
that wouldnt' be the end of the world.. maybe i could just keep a class or something pay for it out of pocket and do the rest.. only shitty thing is then i'd have to pay my loan off
5:47 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
unlimited local and long distance
ok so this past weekend i spent the night at rob and deanas.... we woke up pretty crazy early to pick up uncle bill and head off to muncie.. rob was running the half iron man..... just before our arrival rob got us stuck in a ditch.. i thought i'd endup trying to push his huge ass truck out of it but luckily for us the guy has 4 wheel drive... after we arrived at our lil are rob ran over one of those metal grills poking up out of the ground.. most parks have them.. didn't hurt his truck to bad.. but he defianntly killed the grill..... as always everything was started off with a swim.. it was freezing out... then they did the bike thing... then the run... i really do enjoy going to these lil dealies... deana made lots of food.. and i ate way too much of it... rob and deana's friends and running partners heather and edwardo -w- wife and kid.. were all there... i've never really talked to either of them for an extended period of time.. they're all good people.... edwardo has his funny moments... and he has his uncle bill moments... funny thing is the two of them compliment eachother well... talked to heather and edwardo ((i really feel like i'm spelling the kids name wrong)) about being a teacher.. and about running.... and blah blah... it was a lot of fun..... at one point as we were waiting to spot rob on his transition from biking to running a weird slightly annoying little girl came over to us and played with E's daughter..... she ended up brushing heathers hair with her fingers a couple times.. you could totally tell heather wasn't really feeling it... this kid ended up just hopping onto my lap and playing with my arms.. not going to lie.. a lil weird.. but whatever.. kids are kids she made fun of my hello kitty tattoo.. told me to take it off and blah blah... got a laugh out of the surrounding cats.... all in all it was a good day.... rob did a good job on his time... we all went and visited mom and dave on sunday.. he looks a lot better than the last time i saw him... still no one seems to know whats really going on though... so thats a lil scarey hope the guy comes through all this... the girls broke it to mom and dave that they quit.... i guess mom gave them a good finger waggering and a speech... rob wasn't too happy with it all so we ended up cutting out... saw grandma bunny... she's looked the same for thirty years now.... sat around and talked.... i think thats it... pretty eventful weekend for myself... ooooh i shelled out the dough for the indianapolis mini marathon... 70 dollars? what the hell.. 13.1 miles.. farther than i've ever ran at once in my life... gotta start training for that.. my 5k is coming up... havn't trained at all like i wanted to... i've got to run tonight.. no matter what.... i was going to hit up the gym but i'm thinking about hitting up dicks sporting goods instead... get some glide and what not... wash some clothes... i'll get a workout in today.. it just wont be anything amazing.... i think thats it for me.. i'm outy
1:16 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Thursday, July 12, 2007
semester set
hit up ivy tech today... took care of my registration and my bullshit "f" they fucked the paperwork up... all is squared away now though... i was going to take some education classes... but they don't fit in with the other classes i'm taking.. so i'm sticking with general stuff again... sociology... math.. english... world civilization... fancy for history... can't wait to start school back up.. couldn't look at the books... the bookstore won't know what books the teachers will use till around the 20th...
spent an hour talking to a very cute small town girl... alice? was her name? she's going to ivy tech down in bloomington.. apparently you can live in the iu dorm if you do that.. so i'm totally going to check into that....
9:23 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
thank you