tv.. POST domingiz .. POST aye aye sir
since moving here i've had too much time in front of the tv.... i've actually watched seasons begining to end.. i've never done's gay
so vanilla didn't win the surreal life.. im cool with that.. i was pulling for him or tracy.. i like that andrea chick a lot.. but she just isn't famous like the other cats.. ron made it to the end.. thats just gross everything about that cat kills me...
so i love new york is about to end... im pullin for chance... tango seems like he'd be good for her.. but it's all fake and gay.. it's not like any of them are gonna get married.. everyone on that show is a up and coming rapper.... tango's such a big dude.. but he's always crying.. i can't stand that.. plus chance turned down that money.. i woulda taken it.. new york's gross totally gross "to the max" ... chance is funny to me kid's typical job corps
inside the ufc has been supremely dicking me.. on every thursday at like midnight or one... i wait all night ....and i've got gay when animals attack shit coming on in its place....... but i still love that show... can't wait to catch the ultimate fighter five
everytime i wake up tyra or star trek is on... so i totally alternate between the two as my wakeup routine....
allthough tomarrow that shits changing... im waking up stupid fucking early so i can start hitting the y up way early.. im talking like six in the morning early.. yea i know.. retarded right? but i keep putting the y off at night... and thats not flying
my americorps packet is finally in... totally pissed about it they sent me a fed ex envelope that was suppose to be self addressed and postage paid.. but it fucking wasn't.. it cost like forty dollars.. and i had to gestimate on the addy.. kinda shitty about it... hopefully they call me up....
i'm only willing to volunteer if it's a residential type program..... it's to hard to find the time, transportation, and inclination to do it and hold a job... and go to school....... yep yep.. fingers crossed.. it'd be a great experience
ooohhh and new season of celebrity fit club on... can't wait for that.. i love watching crazy chunky celebs getting yelled at by my beloved oorah marine corps d.i. harvey
think your sex savvy?
..well do ya?
so the dog isn't a pit bull
such a shame
i'll get one some day... we had one over the other day.... i played with him.. i just love how big their heads are.... how strong and blah blah
so it's an akida inu.. don't know if thats spelled right... it's a jap hunting, fighting dog... they're suppose to get pretty big.. two can kill a bear or some shit like that
i should consider shaving
i had to throw a dead mouse away.. i fucking hate mouse traps... i was uninformed that their was a fucking mouse trap put under my lil desk here.. about two inches from my toes.... i looked down there today and saw a dead mouse.... what the fuck... i was kinda offended.... i can deal with dead things.... i just don't like dealing with dead mamals for some reason to close to home maybe? who knows... it's gross getting a mouse out of a mouse trap.. at pendleton they always made me use that fucking penutbutter paper.. that was kinda easier.. you could just throw the whole thing away... this half the body is hanging out.. you have to fucking touch it to get it undone.. just yuck
so i've been kinda fiending for a new tattoo... im thinking tomarrow morning im gonna hit up a couple shitty job spots work for a few weeks.. than ditch im thinking steak and shake and meijer's i want it to be a 24 hour joint
kenra app is in.... april 11th is the interview..
tomarrow im going to try and drop my microcomputers class
i'll take it again at a later point... truth is.. its at an advanced rate... the class is a few months shorter than the average classes.... and i only go once a week.. thats just not for me.. i like classes that occur more often.. you skip one class your not lost.. you can procrastinate a bit... the material in that class is to easy... and i put off the work till the last second.. which is cool in most classes.. but when your cramming two weeks of work into one night.. blah blah it's just a lil gay so fuck that class
dunno how that'll effect me.... maybe i'll just stop going and collect an "f"?
i wanna eat
Sunday, March 25, 2007
im due for another
it's been a minute since i've last updated.. so it's about that time.....
spring break was nice... not exactly mtv worthy.. but it was a welcomed break... i didn't accomplish any of the homework i told myself i would.. truth is i never do... im hoping i can coast by doing the slightly below the bare minimum sure im going to be experienceing some serious heartbreak at the end of this semester.. im considering dropping one class... and i've got no clue how im doing in my others... truth is i really don't care... the whole thing just doesnt' intrest me... maybe that'll change...
saw brandy on my break.. just for a few hours... thats how we're best.. a few hours every few months... ha ...we went to the slippery noodle.. had a few beers.... im not a big drinker... it's on rare occasion for me... first time having rolling rock.. surprisingly enough i liked it... some guy she knew was at the bar... total loser type... ((one of her friends)) guy was acting crazy weird towards me.. staring at me and what not.. thinking im moving in on his territory or something? no clue.. who cares.. kid was a loser
watched some futurama with brandy then that was it...
like i said.. it's best when it's short and simple with her
i was schooling it at the gym... everyday... improving.. blah blah it's been a few weeks though... i'll hit it back up tomarrow...
i went to the zoo with my mum and sisters... it was a good experience... saw 300 with them too... it's very awkward being around amanda and mom... they're both rediculous towards one another.....
i've got no money... we're gonna have to change that.. giving mom my app for kenra today.. still waiting on dave to call about houghton miffilin
...i thought i'd have more to update.. but i really don't
i want clothes.. i want tattoos... and i wanna take a bus to chicago for a few days
Saturday, March 10, 2007
squack squack no more talk
i'm watching legend for the first time... i'm pretty amazed i never saw it as a child.... i've been spending the past two months catching up on all those movie classics i never got around to in my younger years....
great movie.. i think it's better than the laybrinth labrynth.... laberinth? no there's totally a y in it... im sticking with labrynth i guess... n e way.. watch legend... tom cruise is a total hottie in it
4:55 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, March 09, 2007
looks like we might be getting a puppy tomarrow
get the one cleaning tool that does it all
i'm going to be painting tomarrow.. woooooo right?
i've gotta spend this week getting my shit together school wise...
i'm coasting a long nicely in all my classes.. but i think it's pretty
obvious that i can do way better..
getting good grades on essays you know are shitty for you just isn't satisfying
well i've been incontact with my homie tien... cute name right?
i'm planning on going to thailand for a few months....
dont get all excited this isn't going to be going down for awhile...
it all pretty much depends on school and americorps and blah blah as for when
it'll actually take place.... im definantly lookin forward to it
also i've had the thought recently of looking into job corps again...
strictly for the money and travel factor.... i know i could complete
whatever trade in record time... the money i could make in the place is unreal though....
ok .. thats all i got kids...
and im pretty rediculously inlove with those comcast highspeed turtle commercials... you come push it.. you push it real good
5:12 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
spring break and rydell high
spring break is off to a perfect start...
i hit up the ymca today.. it wasn't nearly as packed as it was yesterday
i'm pretty sure kayla was there.... pretty definantly sure.. it doesn't really matter.. the girl was tearing up the machines.... it's kinda funny that i can't go anywhere without running into katies friends....
i'm pretty happy with my run.... and blah blah
grease is on right now... god i looooove it
i've kicked around the idea of getting a grease tattoo for awhile....
dunno what i'd get though... the original logo? ....tbirds? sandy and danny forever?.. no clue.. i'll worry about that more when i've got actual money
ok so its spring break...
i'm gonna do a lil job search
sisters will be home... .. same with brandy
hopefully i'll see the kids...
Monday, March 05, 2007
i just got off my phone interview.... i think it went well... who knows... i was pretty fucking nervous... fumbled my words a few times... but atleast it was a girl.. i had the chick rolling more than once...
....god i hope i get into this...
it would open so many doors for me.... i dont know if job corps will help or hurt my chances... it all depends on so much
i hope i make it...
if i dont its not the end.... i can always reapply and theres so many other volunteering opportunities....
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
uncle frank? is this a joke
i'm watching home alone....
and i'm surprised.. i really love this movie
the corny sequels made me forget
Sunday, February 25, 2007
britney spears
......i think she looks really really cute with the bald head..
im not even kidding. i've never been so attracted to her
since moving here i've had too much time in front of the tv.... i've actually watched seasons begining to end.. i've never done's gay
so vanilla didn't win the surreal life.. im cool with that.. i was pulling for him or tracy.. i like that andrea chick a lot.. but she just isn't famous like the other cats.. ron made it to the end.. thats just gross everything about that cat kills me...
so i love new york is about to end... im pullin for chance... tango seems like he'd be good for her.. but it's all fake and gay.. it's not like any of them are gonna get married.. everyone on that show is a up and coming rapper.... tango's such a big dude.. but he's always crying.. i can't stand that.. plus chance turned down that money.. i woulda taken it.. new york's gross totally gross "to the max" ... chance is funny to me kid's typical job corps
inside the ufc has been supremely dicking me.. on every thursday at like midnight or one... i wait all night ....and i've got gay when animals attack shit coming on in its place....... but i still love that show... can't wait to catch the ultimate fighter five
everytime i wake up tyra or star trek is on... so i totally alternate between the two as my wakeup routine....
allthough tomarrow that shits changing... im waking up stupid fucking early so i can start hitting the y up way early.. im talking like six in the morning early.. yea i know.. retarded right? but i keep putting the y off at night... and thats not flying
my americorps packet is finally in... totally pissed about it they sent me a fed ex envelope that was suppose to be self addressed and postage paid.. but it fucking wasn't.. it cost like forty dollars.. and i had to gestimate on the addy.. kinda shitty about it... hopefully they call me up....
i'm only willing to volunteer if it's a residential type program..... it's to hard to find the time, transportation, and inclination to do it and hold a job... and go to school....... yep yep.. fingers crossed.. it'd be a great experience
ooohhh and new season of celebrity fit club on... can't wait for that.. i love watching crazy chunky celebs getting yelled at by my beloved oorah marine corps d.i. harvey
think your sex savvy?
..well do ya?
so the dog isn't a pit bull

i'll get one some day... we had one over the other day.... i played with him.. i just love how big their heads are.... how strong and blah blah
so it's an akida inu.. don't know if thats spelled right... it's a jap hunting, fighting dog... they're suppose to get pretty big.. two can kill a bear or some shit like that
i should consider shaving
i had to throw a dead mouse away.. i fucking hate mouse traps... i was uninformed that their was a fucking mouse trap put under my lil desk here.. about two inches from my toes.... i looked down there today and saw a dead mouse.... what the fuck... i was kinda offended.... i can deal with dead things.... i just don't like dealing with dead mamals for some reason to close to home maybe? who knows... it's gross getting a mouse out of a mouse trap.. at pendleton they always made me use that fucking penutbutter paper.. that was kinda easier.. you could just throw the whole thing away... this half the body is hanging out.. you have to fucking touch it to get it undone.. just yuck
so i've been kinda fiending for a new tattoo... im thinking tomarrow morning im gonna hit up a couple shitty job spots work for a few weeks.. than ditch im thinking steak and shake and meijer's i want it to be a 24 hour joint
kenra app is in.... april 11th is the interview..
tomarrow im going to try and drop my microcomputers class
i'll take it again at a later point... truth is.. its at an advanced rate... the class is a few months shorter than the average classes.... and i only go once a week.. thats just not for me.. i like classes that occur more often.. you skip one class your not lost.. you can procrastinate a bit... the material in that class is to easy... and i put off the work till the last second.. which is cool in most classes.. but when your cramming two weeks of work into one night.. blah blah it's just a lil gay so fuck that class
dunno how that'll effect me.... maybe i'll just stop going and collect an "f"?
i wanna eat
Sunday, March 25, 2007
im due for another
it's been a minute since i've last updated.. so it's about that time.....
spring break was nice... not exactly mtv worthy.. but it was a welcomed break... i didn't accomplish any of the homework i told myself i would.. truth is i never do... im hoping i can coast by doing the slightly below the bare minimum sure im going to be experienceing some serious heartbreak at the end of this semester.. im considering dropping one class... and i've got no clue how im doing in my others... truth is i really don't care... the whole thing just doesnt' intrest me... maybe that'll change...
saw brandy on my break.. just for a few hours... thats how we're best.. a few hours every few months... ha ...we went to the slippery noodle.. had a few beers.... im not a big drinker... it's on rare occasion for me... first time having rolling rock.. surprisingly enough i liked it... some guy she knew was at the bar... total loser type... ((one of her friends)) guy was acting crazy weird towards me.. staring at me and what not.. thinking im moving in on his territory or something? no clue.. who cares.. kid was a loser
watched some futurama with brandy then that was it...
like i said.. it's best when it's short and simple with her
i was schooling it at the gym... everyday... improving.. blah blah it's been a few weeks though... i'll hit it back up tomarrow...
i went to the zoo with my mum and sisters... it was a good experience... saw 300 with them too... it's very awkward being around amanda and mom... they're both rediculous towards one another.....
i've got no money... we're gonna have to change that.. giving mom my app for kenra today.. still waiting on dave to call about houghton miffilin
...i thought i'd have more to update.. but i really don't
i want clothes.. i want tattoos... and i wanna take a bus to chicago for a few days
Saturday, March 10, 2007
squack squack no more talk
i'm watching legend for the first time... i'm pretty amazed i never saw it as a child.... i've been spending the past two months catching up on all those movie classics i never got around to in my younger years....
great movie.. i think it's better than the laybrinth labrynth.... laberinth? no there's totally a y in it... im sticking with labrynth i guess... n e way.. watch legend... tom cruise is a total hottie in it
4:55 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, March 09, 2007
looks like we might be getting a puppy tomarrow
get the one cleaning tool that does it all
i'm going to be painting tomarrow.. woooooo right?
i've gotta spend this week getting my shit together school wise...
i'm coasting a long nicely in all my classes.. but i think it's pretty
obvious that i can do way better..
getting good grades on essays you know are shitty for you just isn't satisfying
well i've been incontact with my homie tien... cute name right?
i'm planning on going to thailand for a few months....
dont get all excited this isn't going to be going down for awhile...
it all pretty much depends on school and americorps and blah blah as for when
it'll actually take place.... im definantly lookin forward to it
also i've had the thought recently of looking into job corps again...
strictly for the money and travel factor.... i know i could complete
whatever trade in record time... the money i could make in the place is unreal though....
ok .. thats all i got kids...
and im pretty rediculously inlove with those comcast highspeed turtle commercials... you come push it.. you push it real good
5:12 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
spring break and rydell high
spring break is off to a perfect start...
i hit up the ymca today.. it wasn't nearly as packed as it was yesterday
i'm pretty sure kayla was there.... pretty definantly sure.. it doesn't really matter.. the girl was tearing up the machines.... it's kinda funny that i can't go anywhere without running into katies friends....
i'm pretty happy with my run.... and blah blah
grease is on right now... god i looooove it
i've kicked around the idea of getting a grease tattoo for awhile....
dunno what i'd get though... the original logo? ....tbirds? sandy and danny forever?.. no clue.. i'll worry about that more when i've got actual money
ok so its spring break...
i'm gonna do a lil job search
sisters will be home... .. same with brandy
hopefully i'll see the kids...
Monday, March 05, 2007
i just got off my phone interview.... i think it went well... who knows... i was pretty fucking nervous... fumbled my words a few times... but atleast it was a girl.. i had the chick rolling more than once...
....god i hope i get into this...
it would open so many doors for me.... i dont know if job corps will help or hurt my chances... it all depends on so much
i hope i make it...
if i dont its not the end.... i can always reapply and theres so many other volunteering opportunities....
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
uncle frank? is this a joke
i'm watching home alone....
and i'm surprised.. i really love this movie
the corny sequels made me forget
Sunday, February 25, 2007
britney spears
......i think she looks really really cute with the bald head..
im not even kidding. i've never been so attracted to her
i was thinking north korea.
no shit, maybe i'll pick up a few deadly diseases that i can write about on here, or better yet, maybe i'll be a guys 47th wife. what would make it all better is if i wore a fucking "I LOVE THE USA" shirt the ENTIRE time.