uuug.. i really suck at updating this guy...
maintaining an lj and a myspace on top of this suuucks
but i'm back... overall i'd prefer to blog on here
to many people read the other ones...
i've done the livejournal thing since around 98....
before it was a "blog" ....not that that means much
just sooooo many memories...
i wish i had the time to just move all that and my myspace info
im back in indy...
new jersey was great... philly... new york.... wow
just a great experience...
the people.. the concerts... good times
i'm happy i'm around the fam..
im not so happy im here....
the mid west just isn't for me...
i love public transportation and the ocean...
this place has neither to offer me
i've got some friends around and about out here...
but noone important really....
my sisters go to ball state.. so i get to see them now and then
they're the only friends i've got in indy...
i lost touch with everyone from highschool....
i run into them now and then.... and im definantly happy i did lose contact
everyones got kids.... most didn't even finish highschool....
just.. indiana people.. going no where.. popping kids out .. on welfare...
or married.....
thats life
i'm going to ivy tech now..
big change from middlesex...
honestly i dont like it..
but i'll do what i can to get good grades...
i'm sure a lot of the reason i dont like it has to do with being 22 in freshman classes
i'm not meeting any like people
indiana's soooo small too.. theres like 5 degrees between everyone...
i can't meet a girl that doesn't know my ex's ((never a good thing))
or that doesn't know my sisters...
knowing my sisters shouldn't be a big deal.. but it is... we're very different types
and i'd like to avoid knowing people that know them... it's hard to set an example
when there friends are giving the dish on me....
hmmm anything else?
guess not
maintaining an lj and a myspace on top of this suuucks
but i'm back... overall i'd prefer to blog on here
to many people read the other ones...
i've done the livejournal thing since around 98....
before it was a "blog" ....not that that means much
just sooooo many memories...
i wish i had the time to just move all that and my myspace info
im back in indy...
new jersey was great... philly... new york.... wow
just a great experience...
the people.. the concerts... good times
i'm happy i'm around the fam..
im not so happy im here....
the mid west just isn't for me...
i love public transportation and the ocean...
this place has neither to offer me
i've got some friends around and about out here...
but noone important really....
my sisters go to ball state.. so i get to see them now and then
they're the only friends i've got in indy...
i lost touch with everyone from highschool....
i run into them now and then.... and im definantly happy i did lose contact
everyones got kids.... most didn't even finish highschool....
just.. indiana people.. going no where.. popping kids out .. on welfare...
or married.....
thats life
i'm going to ivy tech now..
big change from middlesex...
honestly i dont like it..
but i'll do what i can to get good grades...
i'm sure a lot of the reason i dont like it has to do with being 22 in freshman classes
i'm not meeting any like people
indiana's soooo small too.. theres like 5 degrees between everyone...
i can't meet a girl that doesn't know my ex's ((never a good thing))
or that doesn't know my sisters...
knowing my sisters shouldn't be a big deal.. but it is... we're very different types
and i'd like to avoid knowing people that know them... it's hard to set an example
when there friends are giving the dish on me....
hmmm anything else?
guess not
THank you for the sweet email!
thank you!