..yea really
it was an intresting friday.....
adonis decided to come to indy with me
((hes my roomate and the president down our wing, also the captain of the softball team... we are meant for one another))
well anyway... we got to the indianapolis bus station....
neither of us exactly had plans.. but i had a general idea..
we both wanted to hit up the bars.... and we didn't want to spend the night anywhere retarded or expensive.... i had the bright idea of getting a hotel off of 21st st and maybe frequenting bubbas and possibly getting a cab downtown ((neither of us have cars)) so yea.. the kid is from chicago.. so he had no clue what he was in for... i made him walk from ibs to 21st street.. to catch the bus that goes to washington square mall he was allready a lil shitty.. hes a big guy and hes no fan of walking... i forgot the distance i use to walk in indy and i totally misjudged the distance of everything....... so we walk all the way there.. we get on this bus... all these horrid homeless people are talking his ass off... hes to nice to ignore them.. wich i totally did
hes freaking out because were leaving downtown ... in his mind were leaving indianapolis... we get to target... hes totally freaked out cause theres no buildings... were in "suburban hell" i calm him down and explain were only walking a short distance... i dont know why but i really thought that... so we walk from target ((with our bags)) to 21st st... he looks like he wants to kill me... i keep trying to call home to get a ride but no ones there... then we walk from mithoefer ..or however its spelled to post.. or franklin.. i think franklin... my moms totally not home.. so we hit up claude and annies.. cause the kid wants to drink.. we have a few irish car bombs.. i had a sex on the beach... im a big fan of girlie drinks.... we played some pool.. i fucked im up... wich is funny cause he owns his own stick and is forever at the rec playing the shit... im just unstoppable though.... its the same with katie.. i'll fuck that chick up any day... we order a cab... its like twenty to get downtown.. we go.. hit up ibs.. our starting point.. hours later... turn our bags in.... deande and zach are up there.. deande.... assuming thats his name... or spelling.. is a cute lil skinny gay black dude.. and he was asking me about any gay bars.. i told him about the talbot... a place i really wanna go.. but dont have anyone to go with.... and hes all like ok.. ima walk.. yea no.. i tried to explain the distance to him.. but he just didnt' get it.. .i dunno if he went or not .. zach is a kid in my class.. hes been in there god knows how long.. and hes not going to leave anytime soon.. atleast not the graduating type of leave.... he was high as fuck.. just sitting there.... adonis and i cut out and went to the ugly monkey... obviously it was packed.. we couldnt' sit.. but fuck sitting... he was drinking his beers.... i had a retarded amount of redheaded sluts...... we were both quite fucked up.... he saw the cat he got in a fight with at tiki bobs.. he wanted to hit him.. but i got him to apologize.... wich is quite hilarious.. seeing how hes never wrong..... seeing how i was retardedly drunk and all.. i wanted to dance... but i didn't wanna dance with a girl.. cause .. in my mind thats just not right.. not with katie gone.. not even with katie here.. i wouldn't like her dancing with a guy..... dancing is sex... straight up.... so yea.. since i can't dance with a girl.. ima dance with a guy.. dancing alone is just pathetic.. sadly adonis was the only guy i knew .. and he was sooo against it... it took a lil buttering up and allota drinks for him to say ok... i told him chicks would totally dig it if he danced with a guy..... he believed me.... woot woot... yay yaaeay so i danced with the kid.... we had a lil routine.. it was quite cute... we walked out there owning the dance floor.. gangsta as hell.. with a lil leaning back.. quite a bit of leaning with it and rocking with it...... we did a lil arms crossed nodding of the heads and some shoulder brushing... it was way rediculous but so cute... after every fourty seconds or so one of us.. usually me would yell gay.. then we'd break into the homoerotic dancing.... usually i was the chick.. wich is fine with me.. i dropped it like it was hot.. i did some pussy poppin and quite a bit of ass clapping.. twice he was in front.. grinding on me.. wich was to hilarious... there where like two job corps kids there... they're all like the vice president and president of c wing are fucking gay yo.. mrs b. ((an r.a. who got booted for fucking students)) was there.. with her ex student.. she was freaking out at the site of us tearing it up.........
she was also with her aunt or sister or whatever.. who adonis tried to hook up with.. probably would of suceeded if it wasn't for me tearing him away from her.. cause i wanna fucking dance.. we danced for forever and a day... he secretly liked it.. regardless of what he said monday... eventually some chick started dancing with me.... i couldn't get rid of her at first.. i was trying to be nice.. she wanted to be the girl.. wich is clearly my role.. i said fuck it.. and i got infront of her and battered her severly with my ass... she was sooo done.. she ended up running off to adonis and asking what the fuck is wrong with me......
after the ugly monkey we went to the red garter.. bleh .. naked girls make me miss katie...
ok so we're there.. and the first two chicks suck.. the last chick came up.. and she was fucking awesome... she was really cute... and did everything just right.. she even breathed on my ear and neck just right.. it was soo adorable.. so she totally earned her dollar and a half.... i didn't exaclty mean to give her the ripped bill.. but o well i ended up giving her the other half on her second round... she kept trying to assault my mouth with her right nipple... i wasn't having it.. my lips were chapped and sealed shut... i dont know where that things been.... besides....... i was gay that night...... eventually sadly the night ended.. adonis wanted to stay in the nasty shitty ghetto hotel on 38th and meridian... so i was like im cool.. i took a cab to my grandfathers.... i woke up really drunk.. and he informed me.. that in my drunken state i stole his tax papers and slept with them... wich is a lil weird cause.. i totally sleep naked
ok ... so school came..
tuesday .. the most important day of my life ever ever
((i was suppose to take my drivers test and get my results to edison new jersey))
turned out to be a fucking snow day.. i was the only one shitty....
but... mr. gecklar showed up that day and took me and steaven outa the dorm.. and let us go to school..
it was nice being in that class alone..........
wednesday rolled around....
and i found out that i was infact accepted into edison new jersey
and that im leaving this next monday.... so yea.. holy shit
im accepted....
im going to new jersey... for six months...
i hope i make it there.........
im worried about the whole katie aspect of it...
im going to be so far away..... it'll all work out
there was a lil riot thursday in the dorm.. it was rediculous
two of the shittier end shitbags down my wing got in a fight...
one skinny lightskinned prison kid and one lightskinned mommas boy gangsta
got into it... we ripped them apart... the shit was so stupid
atleast fight in your room.. not in the fucking hallway....
so we bring them to the lobby.. the r.a.s are coming out.. then
the lil prison bitch fucker attacked the kid again while he was being held
so the dorm supervisor ((a 300-400 pound tatted redneck)) grabbed the skinny kid
by the neck.. and took him down hard.. and was squeezing the shit outa him....
thats a big fucking guy.... he was all i'll break your fucking neck bitch...
how cute....
then while all the r.a.s were occupied with that shit.. a fight broke out in another wing...
i had some of the kids right statements down the wing....
cause we all like one of the kids and we dont want him booted
allthough he probably will be.. he gets written up every fucking day
then as im going back to my room thinking my day is over.. my friend steaven and this kid down the
wing are exchanging words.. i dont even have to ask.. i already know whats up
the dick head is being a jerk to any random person and steaven is following the rules
i sent steaven to his bay and stood infront of the door.. last thing anyone needs is another fight
steaven has a future.. this kid doesn't.. he's complete.. and hes about to leave job corps
he wouldn't care to bring steavens life down with him.......
so i'm standing at the door.. preventing the kid from going in.. talking all normal and nice with him
will you please go to your room.. you wanna talk to him? good do that in the morning but please go to your room.. he tried to physically move me.. but realized real quick that wasn't likely to happen
so he went to his room.... someone else started talking to me about there problem so i'm trying to deal with there shit.. then i see the lil asshold run to the other kids room.... so im like fuck .. im dealing with five year olds.... i went to steavens room.. the kid was sort of apoligizing but not really at all.. he was being a dick and anything i said to him.. he turned into it being a black thing... so eventually im like.. yep thats right blacky mc blackerson.. its cause your black yoru just way to nigga .. feel me nigga? he shook steavens hand and they are trying to convince me that they are cool.. but what the lil bitch doesn't seem to understand is.. that by him trying to turn it racial.. and trying to push me outa the way.. and just blatantly disrespecting and disobeying me.. he created a problem between us... i wanted to fight him.. its totally out of my character but i really wanted to fight him.... i had to leave the room... i went to my room.. wrote katie and went to bed......
i wasn't even thinking about edison .. wich is stupid on my part.. i just got accepted ... that kids not worth losing it over.. not at all...... he came from a semi normal home that didn't want shit to do with him anymore.. he fucked up highschool.. he barely made it threw job corps.. hes dealing with a kid wich he recently found out isn't even his..... im not saying his name cause some job corps kids know him..... but n e ways.. the fuck just isn't worth it.. hes going back to nothing.. and i have a fucking future...
since when am i so fucking nerdy?
i requested leave for wednesday-sunday.. but i might not get wednesday...
it sucks im leaving so soon .. i have allota shit to get
i really need a new phone.....
hmmm n e thing else?
today i went to the ymca...
o how i love m y ipod...
i ran a lil ...lifted weights .its was fun
i miss having the time....
it snowed on the walk back...
i took a shower ..changed
and left again.. with the intention of buying some books
but instead seeing how the place was closed..
i walked to the mall.. i did allot of fucking walking today
i ended up watching v is for vendetta
honestly i thought the movie would suck...
but it ended up being really fucking good...
and i do suggest it.. atleast to guys
the protagonists dialouge was so good....
it just got me.........
after that.. i planned on taking a bus home
but since i was by bubbas and having eaten.. i figured i'd walk over there
i went in... got two sex on the beaches... o how i love that fucking drink
and a blue motherfucker.. i drank them all way to fast...
then i got some wings.......
joe was working.. i gave him katies and sarahs address.......
then i cut out...... drinking alone just isn't at all worth it
i had the idea i was going to get that bus.. but seeing how i was a lil
fucked up.. i know im a lightweight...
i walked home..... well walked.. danced .. and ran....
so yea.... it was stupid.. i was stupid....
i love you guys....
im most likely going to look at my suicidegirls now.. or possibly some other porn
it was an intresting friday.....
adonis decided to come to indy with me
((hes my roomate and the president down our wing, also the captain of the softball team... we are meant for one another))
well anyway... we got to the indianapolis bus station....
neither of us exactly had plans.. but i had a general idea..
we both wanted to hit up the bars.... and we didn't want to spend the night anywhere retarded or expensive.... i had the bright idea of getting a hotel off of 21st st and maybe frequenting bubbas and possibly getting a cab downtown ((neither of us have cars)) so yea.. the kid is from chicago.. so he had no clue what he was in for... i made him walk from ibs to 21st street.. to catch the bus that goes to washington square mall he was allready a lil shitty.. hes a big guy and hes no fan of walking... i forgot the distance i use to walk in indy and i totally misjudged the distance of everything....... so we walk all the way there.. we get on this bus... all these horrid homeless people are talking his ass off... hes to nice to ignore them.. wich i totally did
hes freaking out because were leaving downtown ... in his mind were leaving indianapolis... we get to target... hes totally freaked out cause theres no buildings... were in "suburban hell" i calm him down and explain were only walking a short distance... i dont know why but i really thought that... so we walk from target ((with our bags)) to 21st st... he looks like he wants to kill me... i keep trying to call home to get a ride but no ones there... then we walk from mithoefer ..or however its spelled to post.. or franklin.. i think franklin... my moms totally not home.. so we hit up claude and annies.. cause the kid wants to drink.. we have a few irish car bombs.. i had a sex on the beach... im a big fan of girlie drinks.... we played some pool.. i fucked im up... wich is funny cause he owns his own stick and is forever at the rec playing the shit... im just unstoppable though.... its the same with katie.. i'll fuck that chick up any day... we order a cab... its like twenty to get downtown.. we go.. hit up ibs.. our starting point.. hours later... turn our bags in.... deande and zach are up there.. deande.... assuming thats his name... or spelling.. is a cute lil skinny gay black dude.. and he was asking me about any gay bars.. i told him about the talbot... a place i really wanna go.. but dont have anyone to go with.... and hes all like ok.. ima walk.. yea no.. i tried to explain the distance to him.. but he just didnt' get it.. .i dunno if he went or not .. zach is a kid in my class.. hes been in there god knows how long.. and hes not going to leave anytime soon.. atleast not the graduating type of leave.... he was high as fuck.. just sitting there.... adonis and i cut out and went to the ugly monkey... obviously it was packed.. we couldnt' sit.. but fuck sitting... he was drinking his beers.... i had a retarded amount of redheaded sluts...... we were both quite fucked up.... he saw the cat he got in a fight with at tiki bobs.. he wanted to hit him.. but i got him to apologize.... wich is quite hilarious.. seeing how hes never wrong..... seeing how i was retardedly drunk and all.. i wanted to dance... but i didn't wanna dance with a girl.. cause .. in my mind thats just not right.. not with katie gone.. not even with katie here.. i wouldn't like her dancing with a guy..... dancing is sex... straight up.... so yea.. since i can't dance with a girl.. ima dance with a guy.. dancing alone is just pathetic.. sadly adonis was the only guy i knew .. and he was sooo against it... it took a lil buttering up and allota drinks for him to say ok... i told him chicks would totally dig it if he danced with a guy..... he believed me.... woot woot... yay yaaeay so i danced with the kid.... we had a lil routine.. it was quite cute... we walked out there owning the dance floor.. gangsta as hell.. with a lil leaning back.. quite a bit of leaning with it and rocking with it...... we did a lil arms crossed nodding of the heads and some shoulder brushing... it was way rediculous but so cute... after every fourty seconds or so one of us.. usually me would yell gay.. then we'd break into the homoerotic dancing.... usually i was the chick.. wich is fine with me.. i dropped it like it was hot.. i did some pussy poppin and quite a bit of ass clapping.. twice he was in front.. grinding on me.. wich was to hilarious... there where like two job corps kids there... they're all like the vice president and president of c wing are fucking gay yo.. mrs b. ((an r.a. who got booted for fucking students)) was there.. with her ex student.. she was freaking out at the site of us tearing it up.........
she was also with her aunt or sister or whatever.. who adonis tried to hook up with.. probably would of suceeded if it wasn't for me tearing him away from her.. cause i wanna fucking dance.. we danced for forever and a day... he secretly liked it.. regardless of what he said monday... eventually some chick started dancing with me.... i couldn't get rid of her at first.. i was trying to be nice.. she wanted to be the girl.. wich is clearly my role.. i said fuck it.. and i got infront of her and battered her severly with my ass... she was sooo done.. she ended up running off to adonis and asking what the fuck is wrong with me......
after the ugly monkey we went to the red garter.. bleh .. naked girls make me miss katie...
ok so we're there.. and the first two chicks suck.. the last chick came up.. and she was fucking awesome... she was really cute... and did everything just right.. she even breathed on my ear and neck just right.. it was soo adorable.. so she totally earned her dollar and a half.... i didn't exaclty mean to give her the ripped bill.. but o well i ended up giving her the other half on her second round... she kept trying to assault my mouth with her right nipple... i wasn't having it.. my lips were chapped and sealed shut... i dont know where that things been.... besides....... i was gay that night...... eventually sadly the night ended.. adonis wanted to stay in the nasty shitty ghetto hotel on 38th and meridian... so i was like im cool.. i took a cab to my grandfathers.... i woke up really drunk.. and he informed me.. that in my drunken state i stole his tax papers and slept with them... wich is a lil weird cause.. i totally sleep naked
ok ... so school came..
tuesday .. the most important day of my life ever ever
((i was suppose to take my drivers test and get my results to edison new jersey))
turned out to be a fucking snow day.. i was the only one shitty....
but... mr. gecklar showed up that day and took me and steaven outa the dorm.. and let us go to school..
it was nice being in that class alone..........
wednesday rolled around....
and i found out that i was infact accepted into edison new jersey
and that im leaving this next monday.... so yea.. holy shit
im accepted....
im going to new jersey... for six months...
i hope i make it there.........
im worried about the whole katie aspect of it...
im going to be so far away..... it'll all work out
there was a lil riot thursday in the dorm.. it was rediculous
two of the shittier end shitbags down my wing got in a fight...
one skinny lightskinned prison kid and one lightskinned mommas boy gangsta
got into it... we ripped them apart... the shit was so stupid
atleast fight in your room.. not in the fucking hallway....
so we bring them to the lobby.. the r.a.s are coming out.. then
the lil prison bitch fucker attacked the kid again while he was being held
so the dorm supervisor ((a 300-400 pound tatted redneck)) grabbed the skinny kid
by the neck.. and took him down hard.. and was squeezing the shit outa him....
thats a big fucking guy.... he was all i'll break your fucking neck bitch...
how cute....
then while all the r.a.s were occupied with that shit.. a fight broke out in another wing...
i had some of the kids right statements down the wing....
cause we all like one of the kids and we dont want him booted
allthough he probably will be.. he gets written up every fucking day
then as im going back to my room thinking my day is over.. my friend steaven and this kid down the
wing are exchanging words.. i dont even have to ask.. i already know whats up
the dick head is being a jerk to any random person and steaven is following the rules
i sent steaven to his bay and stood infront of the door.. last thing anyone needs is another fight
steaven has a future.. this kid doesn't.. he's complete.. and hes about to leave job corps
he wouldn't care to bring steavens life down with him.......
so i'm standing at the door.. preventing the kid from going in.. talking all normal and nice with him
will you please go to your room.. you wanna talk to him? good do that in the morning but please go to your room.. he tried to physically move me.. but realized real quick that wasn't likely to happen
so he went to his room.... someone else started talking to me about there problem so i'm trying to deal with there shit.. then i see the lil asshold run to the other kids room.... so im like fuck .. im dealing with five year olds.... i went to steavens room.. the kid was sort of apoligizing but not really at all.. he was being a dick and anything i said to him.. he turned into it being a black thing... so eventually im like.. yep thats right blacky mc blackerson.. its cause your black yoru just way to nigga .. feel me nigga? he shook steavens hand and they are trying to convince me that they are cool.. but what the lil bitch doesn't seem to understand is.. that by him trying to turn it racial.. and trying to push me outa the way.. and just blatantly disrespecting and disobeying me.. he created a problem between us... i wanted to fight him.. its totally out of my character but i really wanted to fight him.... i had to leave the room... i went to my room.. wrote katie and went to bed......
i wasn't even thinking about edison .. wich is stupid on my part.. i just got accepted ... that kids not worth losing it over.. not at all...... he came from a semi normal home that didn't want shit to do with him anymore.. he fucked up highschool.. he barely made it threw job corps.. hes dealing with a kid wich he recently found out isn't even his..... im not saying his name cause some job corps kids know him..... but n e ways.. the fuck just isn't worth it.. hes going back to nothing.. and i have a fucking future...
since when am i so fucking nerdy?
i requested leave for wednesday-sunday.. but i might not get wednesday...
it sucks im leaving so soon .. i have allota shit to get
i really need a new phone.....
hmmm n e thing else?
today i went to the ymca...
o how i love m y ipod...
i ran a lil ...lifted weights .its was fun
i miss having the time....
it snowed on the walk back...
i took a shower ..changed
and left again.. with the intention of buying some books
but instead seeing how the place was closed..
i walked to the mall.. i did allot of fucking walking today
i ended up watching v is for vendetta
honestly i thought the movie would suck...
but it ended up being really fucking good...
and i do suggest it.. atleast to guys
the protagonists dialouge was so good....
it just got me.........
after that.. i planned on taking a bus home
but since i was by bubbas and having eaten.. i figured i'd walk over there
i went in... got two sex on the beaches... o how i love that fucking drink
and a blue motherfucker.. i drank them all way to fast...
then i got some wings.......
joe was working.. i gave him katies and sarahs address.......
then i cut out...... drinking alone just isn't at all worth it
i had the idea i was going to get that bus.. but seeing how i was a lil
fucked up.. i know im a lightweight...
i walked home..... well walked.. danced .. and ran....
so yea.... it was stupid.. i was stupid....
i love you guys....
im most likely going to look at my suicidegirls now.. or possibly some other porn
well thank you!
