just got back from the hospital today.......mom is improving but the road is still long and winding. the doctors tried to get her to breath on her own this morning but her heartrate skyrocketed and so they put her back on that breathing thingy....the one that has a bunch of tubes shoved down her throught. One goes to each lung and the third goes to her stomach so she doesn't throw up. She also has a metal wire in her neck that goes through her vain to the heart and then to the lungs. it monitors a bunch of things. heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure and temprature. Its still amazing with all of this technology there is still a bunch of wires and tubes surrounding her. You would think it would be more organized and neat but the wires and tubes are every where. She knew we were there today. when we talked to her she reconized our voices and opened her eyes. She even nodded yes when we said we will see her tomorrow. so things are improving but I wouldn't say the word Better just yet.